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About meteorainc

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  1. I actually did not purchase a car yet, but they are abundant here, prices range from around $2500 and up (yea quite pricy here, but these are consider as cheap if you want a project car and to tinker with). The turbo models are indeed rare here also, actually even two doors models are difficult to come by.
  2. I've been busy, thanks for the link. I am still collecting more info on the build. This won't be a quick build for sure, I see it will take at least 3-5 years with my busy schedule.
  3. Looking to do a chassis swap for a EP71, was wondering if anybody read about this being done. The only one I found online was with a vovlo 240. I was thinking of using a junk chassis from first gen Rav4. I wanted a EP60, but none were imported to my country, hence the next option seems like a chassis swap for the EP71. Labor is cheap hence it makes sense for me to do it instead of buying a newer model 4wd, thing is car costs 2-3x compare to the US and UK. Chopping and building my own is the way to go. I'm trying to keep it the same make, hence going with a rav4. Based on Toyotas web
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