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Everything posted by MarkyG

  1. We have just replaced the head on my sons Glanza V with what we were led to believe was a Glanza V head. After putting everything back together it was chucking out coolant so dismantled again and it looks like there is an extra waterway on the inlet side ! What gives ??
  2. All looks pretty straightforward, what could possibly go wrong....LOL I assume those 30mm hub nuts are a bu££er to undo ? thanks for that
  3. Hi, Hopefully someone can guide us... Have to change the outer CV joints both sides on sons Glanza and managed to get a pair of complete driveshafts with fairly new outer CV joints, although they are missing the green cups. Anyone have a walkthrough or guide or know of one online, on how to go about swapping them out ? Not the best on spanner work but will have a go at anything. cheers
  4. Hi asking this question on behalf of my son who's on holiday currently without internet access. Hopefully someone can help. Looks like he has a cooling issue on his Glanza V (it overheated !) Wants to know how many temperature sensors there are and whereabouts they are positioned so they can be changed if required. cheers
  5. Hi, I've asked this question in a roundabout way in another thread but not had any answer. When replacing the rear wheel bearings on a Glanza V how tight should the hub nut be when re-assembling ? I've seen "finger tight" I've seen "finger tight plus a quarter turn" I've even seen "tight" but don't believe that to be correct with tapered bearings Anyone ?
  6. Well it looks like its without the outer races on both inner and outer bearings ie. it uses the tapered flange on the disk. Thats the only way they fit. The hub nuts...... finger tight plus a quarter turn ???
  7. 6 sided 14 mm did the trick and that is why I normally leave the spanner work to others ! Which way round does the inner bearing go on an Glanza V ABS model ? With the outer race: (Surely its this way with the outer race ?) https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=14D8D930C1560B4%21784 Without the outer race: (This is how it was !) https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=14D8D930C1560B4%21783
  8. good point, its a 12 sided socket. I'l pop down to Halfrauds and get a 6 sided 14mm
  9. ok, I'm about to throw a hissy fit ! Need to change the rear pads and wheel bearing. Got the caliper off no problem but can I get the carrier off, can I feck ! The carrier bolts are solid and look to be rounded off. 14mm socket just turns, 13mm dont fit on.. How the hell do I get them out now so I can do the bearing ?
  10. Wanted: Glanza V OEM spoiler in 040 white. Must be a good price, must be good nick, must be willing to courier if you're just that bit too far away. What you got ?
  11. That my lad is most helpful, thanks.. I had visions of taking bits to the local garage to get them pushed in with a press but from the article above looks like it can be done at home
  12. Hi all, 1996 Glanza V, discs all round just trying to help my son out who's recently bought a Glanza V. Needed pads all round and one of the rear wheel bearings is shot. Managed todo the front pads but ended up taking off the carrers so I could see properly. They were tight fit even with the copper ease. Ended up having to file a small bit of the back plate on one of the pads to get it in ! Managed to do the pads on one of the rears but couldn't wind the piston back in on the other. Assume I need to buy one of those special tools to wind it back in as I couldn't get it to budge w
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