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Posts posted by BoostAddictt

  1. Hello all I would like to share my new winter project with yourselfs. I was searching the web and using the forums for a few weeks straight trying to find a cleanish Straight shell. Either a GT or a a glanza but wasn't having much look with finding a clean one. The cars which was popping up also was a good days drive from were I lived, I finally sourced a glanza shell down in Newquay and set about collecting it the following day, until i relcieved a notification over on the starlets for sale page on Facebook LOL! I clicked the post and there she was a rather clean ep82 GT rolling shell located in Manchester (Oldham) 30 minute drive from my house. The car was getting a lot of interest with it being rather cheap (£250) so I set out there and then. 30 minutes later & a little bit of haggling I managed to bag her for £160 and I was back on the starlet scene.

    Anyhow I got her home the other day and had a good luck around and surprisingly she's straight! Both chassis legs are bang on no nasty chassis damage what so ever. As for the exterior panels well they have seen better days both doors looked rather aged (car park dings) usual marks etc. The front bumper was hanging on by a few rusty old bolts & the bonnet had a slight damage to the corner. All of which didn't phase me to much.

    As for the good bits she's a complete rolling shell. She is sitting pretty on tein lowering springs still has brakes all around, complete wiring loom dash bored etc all still there it even comes with a optional extra ignition light barrel & the guy even thrown in a front mount with pipe work! Can't really moan for £160.

    So my future plans are... You will have to wait & see ;-)

    How she was sat when I viewed her (sat for ages like this I was told)



    So after I got her home I set about giving her a little bath. Fair to say she come up a treat after a good jet wash!




    More pics to follow shortly work begins on the weekend!! :-D

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