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Everything posted by sam_turbs

  1. hello and welcome 2 uksc good hunting!!! ;)
  2. im gonna be asking my dad to go halves with me on my birthday on some coilovers but im going to get them fitted by a pro. i wanna know how low can i go before it starts messin up my car because i want it really low? my mate has lowered his car 120mm and he now has to raise it up because it keeps knackering gear boxes. this is not what i want!! can any one help? cheers sam
  3. welcome to uksc nice to see even more ep82 owners quality!!!!
  4. sorry had to start a new topic my work filltered the other page for some reason! doh yeah will have to try and get one of them jam mani's anyone know a good price for one?
  5. prob go for the stainless then and just pay out when it breaks. might get it strenghtened prolong its life a bit
  6. cool cheers mate got any good links for these?
  7. sam_turbs


    safe and welcome uksc the don of all car clubs!!!!
  8. sweet mate cheers for your help do you reckon it would be anymore for the mild steel? how long do you reckon it will last the staninless one?
  9. soon to be lookin good should be back on the road by march and goin quicker!!!!
  10. sam_turbs


    welcome to uksc good hunting for your ep
  11. how much does strengthenin cost and what do they do then?
  12. cool nice one mate cheers for that link do you think i will have to get mine strengthend? i was gonna rap mine was told that will give it more life is this true?
  13. dunno what markings it has i got the pic off of www.starletgtturbo.co.uk so nice an easy you reckon then cool cheers sam
  14. will this fit. got a standard turbo?and will it be as easy as you said in the topic below?
  15. so you would go for the ct9b? i used to warm her up and cool down so it should be ok isn't it? they should last for ever then?
  16. nice one so how long would it last when i get a new one? i was thinking of goin for the one on the tong turbos the ct9 a is that a good idea?
  17. do you reckon it would be worth takin it to a turbo specialist? how much is this goin to cost me?
  18. cheers bud would wash it but it just gets dirty the next day got building works goin on by my house and its been like that now for months but ill give it a wash some time and take some pics of it then some more detailed one
  19. cheers mate its a kind of blue ish colour and it smokes when cold but when warm stops then when i accelerate it gets the smoke but it was like that for ages my mate said so quite confused?
  20. ive got smoke comin out my exhaust but my dads mate said the turbo is fine but it has smoked for ages now it also leaves like a black waterey muck behind the exhaust on the floor. my big ends have gone on the car could this be the reason for the smoke before because they were wearing or isit the turbo oil seals? cheers sam_turbs
  21. mine does the same and my mates i think it is just one of them things because it goes away when hot
  22. here is my gt used to be nice but it has gradually f****d up so its time to bring her back from the dead will update it as it she gets a revamp!!!!!!
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