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Everything posted by hill_bill10

  1. respect to the dude, he's made a one off car that stands out and has put a lot of effort and time into. he deservs respect for doing something different and making his own body kit instead of just buying one. thats what proper modifying is all about. making your car different to everyone elses i say good on him
  2. the meet began in huddersfield, and then went off for adrive up intp the countryside
  3. thats a cool pic. how've you done it? taken two pics and photoshopped them together? heres myn. taken during mid drift lol
  4. do we just put up our pictures that we want to enter on here?
  5. ok here we go, ill try not to repeat pics that others have already put on. ive got over 200 pics so i had to pic out some of the best ones if you want all the pics then add my msn : hill_bill10@hotmail.com
  6. ohh my god!! that is amazing! i love it. were are your from? and dont suppose you've got any spare parts for it have you? or atleast no were i can get parts from good work mate looks gorgeous
  7. awesome pics guys, im still working on gettin myn up. i took over 200 so gotta sort or out the good ones if you want all of the pics then add me on msn or email me at hill_bill10@hotmail.com as for the meet i thought it was awesome, first one i went to and loved every mintute of it, shame i couldnt keep up tho lol but who knows maybe ill have a bigger engine in it next time
  8. im attempting to organsie a trip down with my college. trying to get a convoy to go down full of the motorsports lads so might see you down there.
  9. lol shouldnt be mate, think ill be comin over on ma own. just checking that people are still meeting up with it being a week away dont wanna show up and noones there lol
  10. cool alrite erm well i go myerscough college which is just outside of preston, so could meet u somone were near there on the a6?
  11. i cant find any bodywork that fits! any idea's? and im not into metalic paint, i prefer the old look, like whats on it now
  12. http://www.ukstarletclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8457 all my pics are on that part of the forum im trying to find some proper suspension for it but nowere does anything for them! you have to bodge everything lol
  13. and is this a starlet meet only ? or can i bring friends?
  14. thats a tidy lookin 70 u got there, thats in good nick, they are an awesome little car, i should no i got one whats your plans with it?
  15. cant promise anything guys but i might call up and take a look around. Me and 59bhp aka mike, are gonna be convoying over from bolton if anyone is heading from that direction let us know and come join the convoy tom
  16. easy tiger i dont swing that way haha ok matey nice one
  17. hey gorgeuos lookin starlet u got there, ive got one of the non turbo's unfortunatly, cant find the turbo ones newere i was wondering how much did it cost you to do the conversion? as i am considering doing one myself and do you know anywere that sells body parts for them or what parts fit on them? lol cheers tom
  18. cheers joz ye i think that helps a lil bit lol, well im currently at college studying motorsports so i know a bit lol but as u say might be easier to get a pro to do it lol
  19. would one of the newer engines from say the ep80 series or ep90 series fit easily into the ep70? im considering doing it any advice?
  20. never seen it matey, although it doesnt quite stand out as much as mine so i wouldnt really notice it like you would if you drove past mine lol were bouts u live? wil have to meet up for a drink sum time
  21. C*** lol, i would if i had the money lol were u from? and how much is your insurance?
  22. alright guys i go to college in preston, id be up for a meet if anything is happening let me know
  23. ye that was the idea, the paint is based on that of the AE86 from 'Initial D' (awesome drift film) ive been tempted to get and ae86 and paint it the same so i can have that as my weekend fun car and the starlet as my run around but the whole being a student thing kinda causes lack of funds lol thanks guys
  24. ye i have noticed that, and i am! very! i love it. makes it a bit of a pain for parts tho
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