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Posts posted by hill_bill10

  1. ok guys got one for you that i cnt figure out

    when i accelerate the car pulls violently to the right, then wen i let off the accelerator it pulls violently to the left

    ive just had the tracking done, so weather they have cocked sumthing up i dont no but any ideas as to wat could cause this?

  2. dont know if anyone has seen this before but just watchin jackass the beginning on mtv and noticed in one the sketches they do a broken/bloody windshield thing were johhny knoxville jumps on the windshield to smash it and they throw meat all over it

    thought i recognised the car so rewound the poopie and double checked and confirmed it was indeed a white ep71....poor thing

    i got pics on ma phoen but cant find my lead to put the pics on here :@

  3. just dropped my 5E in and it runs perfect apart from it idles around 2000rpm wen up to temp.

    i have checked for any air leaks and cant find any, have also wound the adjustment screw all the way in and still no luck

    wat else could cause this?

  4. it LIVES!!!

    after many long weeks of rain rain and more rain, finally got some motivation with this sunny weather to finish off the transplant.

    It wasnt as straight a swap as i would of liked, there were a few problems and things needed swapping from one engine to another these being :- side engine mount, gearbox mount, gear linkage mounts, solenoid, thermostat housing and the throttle body

    other issues i had were that the throttle cable is slightly too long (still trying to figure out how to solve this)

    but took it for a test drive yesterday and it seems to run perfectly, feels much more responsive than the 4E however i have been driving my mums 2.0 diesel picasso so anything will feel responsive after driving that lol

    anyway heres a few pics of the reasons why i needed to change certain things

    Gear Linkage Mounts, Left is off 4E Box , Right is off 5E Box


    Solenoid, the connections are different, Left is off 4E, Right is off 5E


    Side Engine Mount, Left is off the 5E, Right is off the 4E


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