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Posts posted by MARCUSep91

  1. ive got a fuji system on the car already and thats load as it is lol think im guna wake the neighbourhood if i get this done lol but obv gota sort the fuel cut issue if that guna be a pain in the arse first :-(

  2. hi guys im thinkin of decatin my car at the weekend for around 150 quid cust made with downpipe. just wondering is there anything that needs doing or looking out for after decating the car ? im aware of boost creep and the puting in a ring in the pipe or sumfing to stop overboosting. also is this going to make it stupidly loud ? pops n bangs n all sorts ?! not after being too loud but would mind the odd overun noise lol

    any help be great thanks

  3. ok so was driving down ma local b road with a fairly low tank of petrol all bin driving around abit today, as was driving the car kinda felt slugish so put ma foot down n it kinda juddered asif it cut and went again. so i took it for a long run n since then its perked up alot and put some more ultimate in it and runing near back to normal.

    what could it be ? miss fire ? dodgy plug? nothing wrong with the turbo no smoke or nefin.

    or is it fuel cut? sorry im not clued up on this subject as many are lol

    any help be good thanks


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