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Posts posted by Newbe

  1. I maybe very very wrong but i think idress's brother had a problem with his valve stem seals and this caused it to smoke on idle, - only a thought.


  2. Probs not the cure for your problem but, i had a ticking noise from under my bonnet and it was because a couple of the spark plugs where slightly loose once tightened the ticking when away.

    Not sure whether this will help in the slighest......


  3. The pipe coming out of the rocker cover is just a breather pipe some people put them little breather filters on there, but they tend to spit oil all over your rocker cover, some people hook a oil catch can to it which is proberly your best bet. The other hole... just put something isn't it to block it up. Ill try get a picture up of what i have done as i have the same bov as you :(


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