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Starlet SR

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Posts posted by Starlet SR

  1. Hey sparky , thanks man !! The Yaris was rapid Lol

    the ae86 is old skool love the simplicity of it hard to beat a screaming 4age lol

    Glanza is great fun can't to spend a small fortune on it haha

    So when u getting a ep :p

  2. Awesome ! I remember your carbon lip on your green n/a that's why I asked you

    It looked class , I will get on to carbon mods see what there at with them , gave the car a full on clean today

    Quite pleased the hks exhaust came up great it was totally black from tar it's shining now tho :)

  3. Thanks Liam will get one and see how I get on 96 spec bumpers FTW ;)

    Is it the same for the rear optional lip jus bonds on ?

    Have you seen them in carbon anywhere ?

    That would be awesome!

    Wasn't sure on the stickers will leave them on for jdmness lmao!

    Glanza gets some attention on the road from other road users

    Mostly vtecs lol

  4. Love the new indictor lenses really change the front I think ! Really happy with car so far need to get all the basics done first when I bought the car the guy through in a few freebies with which will get fitted soon ! He gave me a Sard fpr hks actuator and fcd he hasn't fitted them yet :) also found a new hks badge under the drivers seat score !! :) lol

  5. Updating at last!! The weather has been rubbish so didn't get a chance to take any , but got some today been busy this week with the Glanza , fitted this week face lift clocks heater controls front indicators , and got a better condition steering wheel off eBay of a tenet bargain !! Also bought some Evo 2 recaros wasn't intending buying them for the Glanza but where to cheap to pass up jus need rails now to fit them any way here's some pictures :)

  6. Thanks Liam glad to see your keeping yours it's awesome , jus put the corolla away for the winter keep the nasty road salt away from it :) getting the Glanza taxed 2moro so more substantial updates with it coming soon :) thanks for the comments folks

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