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Posts posted by Raoul

  1. I have been a member on TGTT since before I even owned my Glanza, and I can agree with some of the comments on here about it not being as good as it used to. I originally got a paid membership and when it came round to renewing it, I haven't bothered. I don't see the point and the benefits it brings aren't worth it in my opinion. I've always looked at UKSC but never really made much input on the site, I think it has grown over time and is getting better, TGTT though, past it's best.

    Enzo, if you feel like you should charge for certain things to keep the site maintained I think many on here will be behind you.

  2. I keep a theory and still stand to it..

    1st time passer's: the only reason they passed is because the driving test man/woman were scared sh*tless

    2nd time Passer's: the reason they passed second time was because the test man/woman werent sure if it was a fluke that they done good or it was a one off...

    3rd time passers: the reason for passing third time is in coresponds with the above (2nd time passer) they just enjoyed your driving and thought you were REALY GOOD!

    I my self was a third time passer :thumbsup:

    I agree with you mate SPOT ON! :)

    Congratulations lad!

  3. Fuck.

    If I hadn't read the story, there is no way I would have thought the driver could have survived that.

    All the best for your recovery mate, keep us updated and let us know how you get on with the police interview.

  4. How do.

    Right, just drove back from my mates house and hit a ball of snow/ice that was in the middle of the road. It's put a massive crack straight down the middle of my splitter so it is in two parts now. Gutted. frown.gif

    Should I just bin it and get a new one as I was after a Jam one anyway, or get it repaired?

    How much should it cost to repair? Will get some pics tomorrow.

    Any help would be really appreciated, thanks.

  5. wow few people from bolton. Am at uni there. But never see any starlets.. jus seen one so far. A white Glanza. Cant remember the guys name. But he's on the forum he said..

    If am free am deffo in!

    That was me buddy! Good to meet you! I was supposed to be coming down to this today with my mate who has a GT, his is off the road so he was gonna jump in with me but he didn't get back to me in time. How did it go?

  6. I kinda like them, as long as they aren't over the top. I think wild drift cars in D1 suit the mad graphics all over them because they are mad cars anyway. When I first got my Glanza it had no stickers or badges at all. I re added the rear Glanza V sticker and the ones under the rear windows. Plus four very small TRD ones and that's it.

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