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Posts posted by SpeedFreak

  1. She's got a funny idea of 'good condition'!

    I would say the same as everyone else, good condition if normally surface scratches but nothing major. But that is quite sufficent damage.

    And you say she uses UKSC? Maybe it's worth naming and shaming, to warn other people not to buy from her in future!

  2. I love Harry Potter! I may be a geek but who cares!

    I think the books were fantastic. I couldn't put them down once I started reading the first one. I have read them all!

    And I have watched and brought all movies that have been out so far, and I am going to watch the new one out next week!

  3. I saw this last night, my mate filmed it all. What gets me the most is the video my friend took was about 10 mins long and there was no sign on the fire brigade any where?!

    But I would be gutted if it was my car!!

  4. I saw that this morning on The Sun website. Considering that no one realised it was there until the video was posted on You Tube it does seem to ring true.

    Normally I don't believe in this kind of thing, but it does look like something walking across the room. Not just some 'orb'.


  5. I am sitting here reading that with my mouth hanging open.....I am thinking 'This has to be a joke'? Right?

    Can anybody be THAT F'ing stupid???

    Seriously, I cannot even laugh because it's so f'ing un real!

  6. hes not dead! hes on a remote private island with elvis, marvin gaye, tupac n biggie. they are releasing a compilation album next year :p itxs gona be awsome

    You say that, but when I was at high school, one of my friends was totally convinced that Elvis, Tu Pac and Biggie were all living in Cuba together and pretended to be dead so they could live a peaceful life!

    Someone told her as a joke years and years ago, but she believed it and has ever since!! :):):p

  7. Well



    i love you!!! we are so alike!!! at last, someone else who sees the problem with these idiots as i do!!!! i could kiss you!!!!!!


    Ha ha ha...I really do hate it when people drive so much slower than the speed limit!

    I am not saying I am innocent, because there's probably days when I don't pay attention and drive a few miles under. But when people drive 10mph + under it gets right up my nose!!

    Oh and I hate hate hate people who pull out from side roads in front of you, and pull away so slow that you have to slam your brakes on the refrain from hitting them! I wanna ask them if they know the frikken high way code! If you are pulling out from a side road you must quickly catch up to the legal limit, and should not pull out in an instance that will make someone have to slow down you frikken douch!!!

    Grr...I think I either need to be a traffic cop so I can pull these nob heads over, or I need road rage management classes.

    Is it just me that seems to notice every mistake other people make on the road??

  8. I agree with Shelly.

    People who drive whilst talking on their mobiles think they are totally in control but when your driving behind them you can tell they are not. I was behind someone a couple of days ago, and he got to a roundabout and swerved right over all the lanes! Luckily no one was beside him.

    Also, women drivers I agree there too! Majority of people who piss me off on the road are women. On the way home from work, there's this one women who does 20mph on a 60mph road! It annoys the hell outta me. I feel like stopping her and telling her if she cannot do the legal limit then get off the f**in road!

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