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Posts posted by AdamG

  1. little tip mate if you want, use the polygon lasso tool to select just the car copy and paste it to a new layer and then select that layer only distort and flatten the layers back together that way none of the background will destort aswell very good effort <_<

  2. :(

    hate the winter the starlet has to be the worst car to drive! in the snow last year i was tryin to drive up my road n well was literally being overtaken by pensioners walking and a bloke in a van! :lol: . got sooooo bad i had to call for reinforcements to help push me into my drive. couldnt even steer a mate had to gently nudge the front end on the direction i wanted to go.


    was good crak tho at sum points was like avin a rwd starbo! haha good times! :lol:

    Awsome picture Wish we has snow like that :lol:

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