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About Crag_73

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  • Birthday 07/07/1987

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  1. Its owned by a chap called Dodge (roger) who i used to know a while back (don't see him any more though) but he lives around my area. its quite a nice little motor and he has the recaros >.> want.
  2. Well the factory speakers are made of card, need we say more?
  3. yeah well i didnt read the title (got starlet not glanza) i came saw and posted but its a good reference right? RIGHT? hehe
  4. Its a pain in the arse taking the old ones out, i recommend getting one of those flexy drill bit holders from the market as the screws are in some hard to get to and obscure places http://www.toolstation.com/images/library/...ebbig/93502.jpg one of those
  5. Hi there i was clicking around the forums and noticed that there is quite a few topics on seats that fit and dont fit in starlet/glanza mounting points. Does anyone know of direct fit seats from toyota, (I've heard that the mk3 mr2 seats are a direct fit but cant confirm) but a list of fits would be cool go go go!! peace out Craig
  6. A flare? i would of never got that! thanks very much for the help
  7. Hey I've been wondering, there is a little clip in the passenger foot well that is currently housing my air freshener obviously it wasn't designed specifically for that purpose and i wondered if you guys know what it is for? Thanks Craig
  8. I've gotta Falcon evo4+ totally amazing alarm pager system, remote start, prox and volume alarm, immob, would easily recommend this one! (£195 from ebay, self install)
  9. How about a system similar to google earth where people put their post codes into a database and it says who is from what area. That way e trades and mechanical help and stuff would be alot easier and you could see how many starlets are local to you!!
  10. I remember when i first passed my driving test, and i would be disgusted at having to pay over 95p per litre! If fuel didnt go off it would of been a pretty sound investment, imagine if you had brought a tanker full of petrol in 1995 then sold it on with todays going rate. Profit! But seriously though Gordon Brown is a cock.
  11. Hey i was wondering if any of you guys had fitted the double din sony stereo from a 2001 onwards mr2 and if you had any problems with cage fittings or anything else. pics would be cool if you have done it
  12. Hey peeps my name is craig, i live in bournemouth and I've got a quadlight gt turbo only had it for 3 weeks whoop whoop! anyone here around the dorset area? hit me up!! peace outtttttt ;)
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