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Posts posted by nerosis

  1. Ive got a

    Blitz Nur Exhaust




    That should see me to about 140 ish *give or take a few ponnies*

    What can i do next to get more BHP and also not FUCK my engine?

    If i get an after market Mani and a FMIC, would i need to get anythingt o go with these, i.e a FCD? or can i just run it all like that?

    I really want to start modding ALOT as ive saved up i just dont wanna blow up my new glanza. lol

  2. Im not sure where the adjuster is on them bov's but it adjusts the spring tension in the bov and determines when it dumps boost, tighten it right up for chatter :) or have it loose for the normal bov sound, cheers, starlybruiser :)

    by the way this is in the wrong section! not for general, should be in tech

    Having it fully open or fully closed to get either chatter or BOV sound, will this hurt the engine or anything?

  3. They will turf you straight out mate we had that last time and we were only meeting there to move on!!

    dont be like that, ive got 3 people alredy from nottscarclub, they are short phil, captain starlet and his mate.

    Also, liam d and kierz will attend i hope, so that like 5 people already.


    1. Me ( Nerosis )










    Names on numbers lads and ladies

  4. If i put a de-cat, full ehxust, air filter and FMIC on my glanza, will i have issues with fueling or will it run fine and not explode?

    If it would have fueling probs, what could i do to correct it?

    i just want more from the glanza and im worried as ive never had a turbo car.

    replies welcome,


  5. will get some pics up later, may be going on a local glanza shoot.

    What can i do to the car? if i put an exhaust and air filter on it will i have fueling problems?

    as i have already removed the hi/lo boost controller and got full in 1st n 2nd.

    What can i do next? can i get a exhaust, mani, air filter and FMIc without problems??

  6. It was quite an epic drive lol.

    4 man up in a swift sport, with 4 man up in a trailing ignis sport lol

    left from mine about 10am, got there for around 1pm, and looked around southhampton for a few hours whilst the glanza was being cleaned/prepped.

    Then, took the glanza for test drive. it was awsome, the 2nd 1 ive driven and it pulled so much better than the first 1.

    Even in low boost it was better than the old 1.

    So my mind was set. im taking this glanza.

    Parted with the £3500 ( for a standard example with bride rims, which i thought was a good price)

    Drove it back from southhampton to NOttingham and it was a beautiful drive.

    Stopped off in Lil' Chef for a all day breaky and that was AWFUL, NEVER EVER GO THERE EVER! (but thats another story)

    Anyways, very please.

    then thi evening i met with kierz and he shown me how to de-restrict the beast.

    Now its up and atom with the mods. (after my 3month warrenty runs out of course :rolleyes: )

    Thats my story of the new Glanza. Enjoy.

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