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Everything posted by Kennedy

  1. Oh ye TMW = Tecno Motor Works
  2. I've tried ebay..googled it etc..cant find anything
  3. Haha..I've only just bought the car..few things 2 sort..n thats 1 of um.
  4. ..seen any of these for sale any where? May need to buy 1 and I can't find them any where and they were on the car when i bought it so don't even know where they were originally from.
  5. Anyone know where I can get one welded cheap near Chester? There is a little crack on the inside of the alloy (doesn't go all the way through) about 2" big. Can get a pic if needed. Thanks in advanced
  6. I like alton towers Fav ride..hmmm.. I like all the big rides. Port Aventura in spain is good..been there twice n would go again
  7. English then ;) HAHA nearly..the lad who took it legged it after he crashed it n left the car in the garden
  8. No not alot to do reli..i'm not payin for it either which is good yer different Kennedy..I live quite far away from scotland..leave near north wales haha
  9. well left wheel hit a curb..n then he went through a fence (thats what the red stuff is..must be the varnish of it haha)
  10. Well my story is.. Since i've been into lookin at cars i've always wanted an Impreza but at 18/19 I dont have a hope in hell of getting insured on one haha. I then looked at gettin a Civic Type R (ep3) which i could afford to insure but would leave me absolutly skint each month after paying for it. So i started saving and about 6months later i was seriously looking at buying a type r when my mate said he was selling his Glanza (to which i said i wasnt interested)..couple of weeks later he came to pick me up in his car n scared the shit outta me with how fast it was..since then ive been hooke
  11. I might get one of these soon mate if they are still available?
  12. thanks mate...was expectin abotu £150 for 12months so bit less than i thought =]
  13. How much should i expect to pay for road tax for my 96 Glanza?
  14. I'm 19..just bought a Glanza..should have it insured and ready to go mid next week
  15. Try using this site; http://media-convert.com/ works fine for me
  16. Anyone on here go Creamfields this year? Went to pick someone up with my mate and what a joke it was. Taken us 2 hours to find someone cus the police were complete twats, for example pulled over n went to ask him out the window where something was n he just said "get u toad away if u stay there".. to which my mate replied "just want to ask where something is" and he just said "your not asking me so move on" I mean i know hes probably had it all day but doesn't take much to point us in the right direction..wanker ;) . Found them in the end anyway. What does anyone else think who went? was
  17. I'm hopefully getting my Glanza
  18. Kennedy


    Doesn't matter now mate..all the parts have been ordered by my mate..thanks for your help anyway
  19. Doesn't matter now mate..all the parts have been ordered by my mate..thanks for your help anyway
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