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Posts posted by grimr3ap3r_

  1. Shaun you have rekindled my optimism for this very subtle yet tasteful mod,

    If you could do some ferreting around and I will as well to see what information we can find on this? That's if your up for the challenge! :p


  2. Anyone know which turbo timers or if there's a way to wire one so when I walk off after locking the car, the mirrors fold in when the timer has completed its cycle?

    My mate used to have a black starlet that done this but was like it from import iirc

    Many thanks


  3. you all go on about jerky aiming ect and i totaly agree on both platforms,

    thats why real gamers play on pc, this is where FPS's originated. its so much more precise with a mouse and the game play is way faster - and no, before someone says, its not easier as everyone has this advantage!

    Get counter-strike source - ul be addicted for years!

  4. trying that tonight chris, i notice the 100amp fuse in the main fuse box has blown, we tried to bridge it last night to start it but it wouldnt turn, gonna try jump it tonight and get a fuse so ill let you know mate!

    thanks again for your help i do appreciate it

  5. Can someone please tell me how to remove the relays out the main fuse box(big black ones) as i cant get them out?

    also in the fuse box there is a fuse with 2 bolts either side(looks like a power feed) but i cant remove it? can anyone help?

    ive tryed pulling it out but it wont budge!

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