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Posts posted by MattyCD

  1. Also this thread isn't any good for anyone.

    Just take a look at the link above!

    This thread dosen't bother me that much, people are entitled to their own opinions about me and others as i have my own opinions on stuff. everyone is different. I reckon this is a good debate thread even if it has strayed off topic lol

  2. the top 4 on the tally of members is...





    so as you can see, im slap bang in the middle of Leeds/Kirkless/Bradford so im in one of BNP's critical areas

    Not being racist but a fact i saw a couple years ago in a paper, but dunno if its still true. Bradford has the highest concentration (ratio) of Asians to White British people in the whole UK, and Birmingham has the most in total i think.

    oh and Paul, the BPP (British Peoples Party) who are openly white supremist skinheads have criticised the BNP for just being rip offs and contradicting themselves. So Skinheads view BNP as posers.

    Oh and i think people should watch the movie 'American History X' as it gives the proper idea of what were talking about, obviously its set in America and it shows skinheads who are a bit extreme and hate all races but the reason they hate them is because they are ripping off their country. and the ending (for those that have seen it) shows that you can just pretend everything is ok and not say anything but deep down you can't escape it

  3. Exactly my point with the first vid. Thanks Ste!!

    and the 2nd video, before anyone jumps in to defend him, why does he speak in english? where would someone learn the english language, oh ive forgotten the name of the country...oh wait...its...ENGLAND!

    Im quite happy for other races/religons to do their own thing, but just have the respect for the people who built this country

  4. a Yaris to me is alot more of a solid car than the EP. Ive read they stick to the ground like fuck.

    I want a car that is good around the twisties, which the starlet, even with a lot of handling mods will never match up to a 2000 onwards hot hatch

  5. why have u chosen to vote for BNP. im curious

    I don't want rid of anyone because that won't happen but i don't want any more immigrants entering, the country is overcrowding. It took me 4 months to get another job (And i have every GCSE i took except 1), because immigrants are doing jobs for half the money.

    I feel like a prisoner in my own country, you see all these people emigrating to Austrailia etc, do you wonder why?

    this is the kind of question that baffles me, its like AND WHY ARE YOU BNP! but tbh, what do the main 3 do apart from squabble over how to make more money?

  6. dont see the big deal. Im pro BNP and will be voting BNP when i turn 18.

    You can't make opinions on people just for their own opinions. Its a political party people should understand that.

    one of my brothers neighbours is on there and a couple people down the road from me are on it too lol

  7. ive heard of him but dunno who he is, prob do if i see him or something lol my mate from work went to see lee evans on sunday, she said it was really really good... would be a right laugh going to see a comedian!!! hope its good!

    now your single, u can go where u want when you want Josie, give it a try! :p

  8. Ok, my mind is finally made up.

    When i get the money from my insurance claim (which should be soon), I'm getting a 1.5 Yaris T Sport (99-05). Ive asked people and ive heard they handle great and have some poke. The prices look pretty good, as ive seen them going for less than 4k.

    I've just done a insurance quote and couldn't believe my eyes.

    Collingwood Insurance

    £980 thats £80 a month with £127 deposit

    £250 Excess

    Fully Comp on a 5 Month Provisional Licence.

    Didn't lie at any point, i usually do quotes saying its parked in a garage when it isnt, i put this down as parked on the drive.

    Doubt it'll stay the same price when i pass my test, but ive still had decent quotes for around the 2k mark

  9. yup the one and only DJ EZ! one of my mates dj'd with him over in kavos this summer so it wasnt too much of a major task

    we also have studio B playing this weekend (did 'i see girls')

    and other good acts to come


    i still have a bunch of pure garage cd's, but need to find someone who is selling the full collection.

    DJ EZ kinda went away for a while and kept quiet but i think alot of people are getting sick of how chavs took over garage and he's trying to bring it back, although that pure bassline cd fucked me off.

    one of my aims is to go to a EZ set!

  10. was working in my mates bar tonight and we had dj ez playing, ohh my god!! it was an amazing night even working behind the bar, so much pie about n one who got seriously pied :p just got home from it n still buzzing from the vibe!!!!!!

    anyone else have a good n night?

    are you talking about DJ EZ from Kiss FM? if so, how the hell did he book him let alone afford it :D

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