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Everything posted by **JO**

  1. gav is now driving an mg zr turbo sold da starlet xx
  2. lol ok sorted. ne idea where its goin and times???xxx
  3. lol well i dont mind but where is it goin as i can onli take 2 in my car lol!!!! but i can sort sumthin if people r happy wiv tha???xx
  4. like i said i will need 2 know da exact date as da 27th is a friday x
  5. msn- bubblydancer@hotmail.com email - jo_starletgtturbo@hotmail.com xxx
  6. nah not gonna bring em not dont think avin arguements on my 1st meet will go dwn 2 well lol!!!! il try my best 2 make it wanna bring little oky out 2 play neway lol. il know once i know da exact date xxx and tbh im not feelin tha welcome at da mo so chances r il give it a miss. xxx
  7. sparky u missed me out and can u add girls to tha plllzzzzz!!!!! x
  8. if last wkend of feb cnt make it car in til 1st wk of march. sorry xxx
  9. 1. Sparky - Silver Quadlight, Gwent area 2. Vboi! - Glanza, Bridgend area 3. Rhys (southwales_tuner) - Black GT quadlight, Gwent area 4. glanzaturbo(kyle)- silver glanza - caerphilly 5. jam35 -silver glanza bridgend (TGTT) 6. Starlybruiser - Black V - Cardiff 7. Pav - Silver V - Bristol 8. jo-starlet gt turbo mk1 - neath
  10. il b up 4 it and if i know da date a few wks in advance il bring some models for u :-) xx
  11. just tidyin her up now ready for show season x
  12. i have a glow panel on my mk1 starlet gt turbo that glows green. i think i may contain 2 bulbs as the G is glowing bright but now the T has faded. does anyone know what bulb the glow panel takes and where i get one from. if you know that would be great.
  13. yeah chic xmas pressie woop woop xxx
  14. LOL!!!!!! yeah just go tipex my car now lol. thanxz siclan xx
  15. lol fancy blankin them out chic i aint gotta clue xx
  16. brill!!!! il scan and upload mine when my scanners back fixed. how do i reduce it can u do it please??? no had work done myself was a mess when i bought it didnt have da gt badge or glow panels and was covered in scratches. done all work to it. just had new exhaust so happy at the moment with her. xx
  17. hiya im jo from south wales. drive a mk1 forged starlet gt turbo. here r sum pics of the car - also is there neway i can post up my dyno results (a section for example)
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