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Everything posted by louis_23

  1. Great thanx gary love colour of your car looks black but it's a nice dark green enit
  2. wow you got a realy nice car there bud, i thought them tsw wheels realy suited it set it off nicely :harhar:
  3. hi ben and thanx :harhar: like the look of your glanzia from your advatar gunna check it out now
  4. hi every one, im louis i own a saxo vtr at the moment it's my 1st car ive had it about two years now. reason ive joined this forum is to tell you all how much i hate starlets :harhar: lol im only joking i love them realy and thats why i have joined, i want to learn a lil about them as i plan to maybe get one as my next car. i thought about a few cars, clio 172 golf/polo gti mk 4's and a few others. but the other day a starlet glanzi v drove past me and i feel in love so hear i am looking forward to getting to know most of you and lerning abit off you all. thanx guy's p.s you can see my
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