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secret squirrel

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Everything posted by secret squirrel

  1. We have every version of the 5efe over here with every version of paseo included the (also rare here) 5efhe. I've got access to a (what should be a straight swap) dumb as dog dodo early version 5efe from a paseo which I intend on horing for it's seats, P/S and rear disc brakes also. I will write a more detailed reply but It is time to go to work fo me . Joz, did you go for a run with your tuner with your 5efe or your now 5efhe? As I said in the PM, that would make a huge difference. Thankyou for your replies and keep them coming if anyone has something to add . I'll drop in after work. .
  2. Hi guys, I'm from the land of Oz and I'm probably going to drop a 5efe into my starlet because I can do it for practically nothing other than time. I plan on leaving the 4efe ECU in place and transfering the TPS and W/T sensors because it gets a bit hot in queensland and A/C is a necessity which seems to be the only area that the 5efe and the 4efe looms seem to differ. So, my question is : Has anyone ever actually had there car checked on a dyno or via a wideband to see what the AFR's are like running the 5efe motor on the 4efe ECU? To my thinking, closed loop should behave exactly the same an
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