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Posts posted by chanelle1234

  1. im not fussed i will go with the flow but would be easier for a lot of people including gaz i presume if we got tickets posted. im not waiting a week till they get send off tho :(

  2. traffic, getting pulled over breakdown, roadworks etc i just think it will be so much easier posting them out, what if loads of people are late and see were not there, how are they going to get in with no tickets??

  3. i think maby other members would probably like there tickets posted so maby a good idea to mention it somewhere as i think 60 starlets are all not going to get there at 8 imo

    chanelle x

  4. cheers for the compliments guys

    it was quite funny when i went to pipecraft to get it fitted, the guy goes to me 'you know this is going to be rediculously loud, you get loud and then you get rediculously loud, yours will be rediculously loud' haha. He took the old backbox off and then goes to me 'this is what it will sound like with the backbox on with no backbox lol, so its pretty much like rolling with no backbox loud hehe. i was asking about getting a decat he said you might aswell have no exhaust B)

    steve yeah i will be at japfest for shure boi, i take it you will there too then, if so i need to get practicing my kickboxing :)

    chanelle x

  5. Not really much of a update but managed to get my hands on a hks hi-power 409 system :) . Decided to sell the centre section as i didnt need it as i have a stainless already, so i kept the backbox. Ohh and this backbox has no baffles, so is extremely loud hehe. also it is a angled one so looks shweet.

    With the engine plans hopefully i should have a emanage ultimate in a few weeks time B)



    chanelle x

  6. ahhh i have only just seen this thread and imo looks fucking fab, i love it. the red and black suit it really well bud, but i tell you what if it was mine i would be tempted to get black sideskirts will look awsome.

    keep up the good work buddy

    chanelle x

  7. when i first met curt i had not interes in cars at all im telling you, i would get annoyed that he bought exhaust and springs etc. But when i had my first car (Ibiza) i still had no interest. THEN the moment i bought my sr things changed completly, think it was because we both had starlets and he could show me things as the engines are pretty much the same, well same looking lol. Now i am worse than him haha dont make sense really :p

    chanelle x

  8. rather half an hour of my time than 2 hours quoted at the garage at £50 an hour lol

    want £270 to paint spoiler and mirrors


    christ. think i got quoted roughly £120 for mine sprayed and fitted but mine was fibreglass. the place i go is in southend they do a really good job, would probably charge roughly £120 for mirrors and spoiler imo.

    chanelle x

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