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Posts posted by Jade_Star

  1. BRIDE seat !!! :)

    im so jealous, if had the money i could of had the other! wish i'd just got it now :p lol

    indeed the dads drive will be choca with EP building :D

    hopefully you get the nuts and can put your wheels on tomorrow before i come up and inspect :p hehe! xx

  2. Liam, need a new clamp for it and some bolts but i think the dads got some, just need to cut a piece of the end of the mid section that connects to the cat and should be all good :) cracking on with that on saturday now so will kep you updated :p was good to see you too!

    idrees, WILL be buying one or the other off you next month, possibly both ;p

    bigman, the car is the starlet S model if i make sense now?

    deffo getting the livesports spoiler and skirts though :p

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