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Posts posted by Turner

  1. Quick question lads, I've seen a few Starlets on here with the bits inside the front headlights sprayed black, thinking about doing it, but what part do you spray? I haven't even got a clue how to take the lights off so a bit of a learning curve for me here lol!


  2. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cheryl...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    also...i get why folk watch this nonsense, its entertaining for them, but from the little I've seen of it, those talentless like hacks "Jedward" have no right to still be there when people who can actually sing are sent off - shows the intelligence of the general public that watch that junk.

    but, thats not what annoys me about it. take any black metal or thrash band and put them on something like that and anyone who isn't into that genre will cringe and say "thats just noise, screaming and shouting, its stupid", because my girlfriend dont like the HEAVY nasty stuff either. the bit that ircks me so damn much is - does anyone have ANY idea how much talent is involved in being able to play drums and guitar like that?? other than Riko, does anyone know who many years and dedication and TALENT is involved in sweep solos and rapid double bass druming?? I've been playing guitar and drums for about 9 years, yet i cant play anywhere near to that level of ability, and yet it is dismissed out of hand by every little princess and pop FAG as if it were simply random noise...and yet these TALENTLESS little whitless turds are allowed to display their complete lack of natural sense of rhythm and any vocal ability whatsoever to millions of folk week in and week out and become "celebrities" and make money...how much money does the average black metal band have?? like, none!

    and before anyone gives off at my rant, i had a mate on the weekly shows and final of Xfactor a few years back who CAN sing and who CAN dance and who CAN play guitar and who CAN play drums, but he made the "mistake" of choosing a song that he wanted to sing, a song that he knew back to front, the type of music that brought him to the ball game in the first place and by FUCK he nailed it, but Jonny Be Good isn't a socially acceptable pop song ("pop song" - see, annonymously written, commercial, fabricated bird shite) and he got voted off...well done "People" of Britain, you lot TRULY know good music and natural telent when you hear it...

    its about damn time that gifted musicians and gifted vocalists were recognised in this flamin country instead of rewarding what is essentially "nature's f*ck ups" and the utter failure of the processes of natural selection.

    end rant.

    commence additional cheryl loving!


    Spot on mate, I listen to metal and also play bass, guitar and drums and you're right, people don't appreciate how hard it is to play that genre of music.

  3. Its 5 to 1am now.. and i'm having a chillout and reflect for a while. Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On is playing too B)

    Currently seriously considering spraying a Paseo Coral Rose Pearl (basically Coral Wreath) as we didn't get it in the UK but an Australian picture buttered my parcenip. G'day Pink Seo...

    Buttered my parsnip, haha. Love it!

    Ten past one, watching Traffic Cops! lol! Should go to sleep though, tattoo and going to see Motorhead tommorrow, gonna be a long one!

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