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Posts posted by Nads

  1. Hey.. i have searched on here for eBay manifolds but i couldn't find anything.. i just wanna know if they are any good ? i was thinking just getting on for Christmas so i have something little to upgrade on the car ?

    cheers guys :)

  2. High is 0.6 bar/9 psi and low is 0.4 bar/6 psi. I removed my restriction as soon as I found out about it and it seemed to come on a bit quicker and a lot stronger - gave a touch more boost too. It's a worth while thing to do because as the others have said you can just drive sensibly when you're not in the mood. . .


    i member reading how to lose the restriction.. but lost the page.. you happen to know where is it do ya pal ?

  3. Hello guys,

    Just wondering on the glanza V I'm sure everyone knows it has a High and Low boost button, whats the point in this? i know obviously it changes it to high and low.. but i mean does it save petrol or help save the turbo... etc.. Can someone here explain the point of it.. plus whats best to save petrol. Keeping it in low or high.. and for the turbo life span is it better kept in low... obviously when i get this little chavs come next to me.. i turn it on.. and bye bye corsa!!! lol

    cheers guys hope you can help :p

  4. who do you work for? im thinkin bout going to the rigs, pending on the £££

    who do you work for mate??

    im a marine engineer aswell, engineer, and qualified Electro-Technical Engineer aswell

    I'm at college mate doing marine engineering.. next year hopefully marine technology at uni

  5. Depends if you've picked up someone double jointed lol, the bonnet is too flimsy for anything lol!!


    well.. now the seats are gone all i need now is a pillow.. good enough for a good night out with a girl in the back

  6. Also after you have got rid of everything that is not essential then its best to start replacing the stuff that is essential with light weight versions to help. eg get rid of all the seats but replace drivers seat with light weight bucket seat, and a passengers seat if you really need it.

    My thing is stupidly light but after i have built it im going to begin trying to get the weight down as much as possible. And i mean looking at everything on the car......not that there is much on it to begin with. Obviously i will keep stuff like gauges, covers etc but if it doesn't help with egtting me round a track quicker or helping improve the car in some way its coming off. I believe the weight should be around the 550kg mark but im hoping to get it down to alot less than 500kg :harhar: and then some.............

    500 kg !!!! :lol:

  7. well said jase. if you dont need it then theres no point in it being there i believe lol

    exactly i never use the rear seats.. (maybe once and while if lucky with a lady) but i just find them no use and costing me money on petrol.. plus

    i love to think they will give me more speed !! :harhar:

  8. Ello guys, i feel like utter crap :)

    Got the man flu, got college work to do for 12 o'clock tonight, argument with the ex.. need a job, need to fork out £125 for tax this month, what ever else next i don't know...

    Someone cheer me up :):)

    we all go through it mate.. keep your chin high... life's a bitch :D just fight it

  9. Hiya guys and girls :thumbsup:

    Ive been checking this awesome site out now for week or so and decided to buy a Glanza :D i feel myself in love

    with them after this place... this site has cost me 3500 lol.

    i pick it up on Wednesday after college, what the first thing i should upgrade first as its total standard !

    Cheers guys nice to meet you all :D

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