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Posts posted by Mart

  1. As said above mate. You'll have to upgrade your braking and handling mods aswell.

    No point increasing the ponies if you cant slow the fcuk down...

    There's a few of us on here thats done conversions but its alot of money lad. Im still adding bits and mine is done for 2yrs now...

  2. Was at this show myself mate. ;)

    To be honest I taught the last one that was in Dublin was much better, Easier to view the cars and alot more to see, even had a few Gt's and V's...

    But this one in Cork was so packed with people, it was very hard to see anything...

    I'll try and get a few pics up when I can...

  3. Sorry I didn't get this up sooner lad.

    Ordered some New Jap Rims and Light Weight Lug Nuts recently from Night-Spirit and a top notch bloke to deal with. :D

    Was fed with constant updates and any questions I had were quickly answered.

    Thanks again for all the help mate.

    Will deffo be onto you soon for some more bits.

    Mart... :D

  4. Hey lad, I just fitted sprigot rings to my car recently that were too big. and I used a Dremmel with the roundy sand paper attachment on it untill it was the right size. Got them fitting in perfect... Worth a shot as I found it very hard to get some for my wheels aswell.


  5. Sorry Lads, Didn't comment on this bus for over a year now.

    Its parked down in my brothers house at the moment and he tips away with little bits for her every now and then. Called down to him last week so I took one or two snaps as I had my camera with me:

    Still looks preety much the same but gave her a full service recently and rec'd the alternator, fitted braided lines to the front discs and sorted out a few elecrical bits and raised her Teins up a bit... Also have some mesh to cover the front upper grill so will pop that on now soon.

    We also fitted a new Rad to the front.







    Will get a few more updates again on this soon for yee...



  6. Nice Car mate. The Audio looks great...

    Very impressive results man with 159db,

    There's a car from Cork here knocking out 155db from a Polo, it won 1st place in every SPL competition it has entered in Ireland, for the past 2 years, and funny enough has taken 2nd and 3rd places in SQ also. Now most of the Amps have been replaced for bigger and better so I can imagine what its knocking out now...

    Can really appreciate what you've done and the work you've put in as I use to be in the same boat with my Starlet awhile back. I was running a nice simple show set-up knocking out just over 139db but fortunately I got the speed bug and dumped all the Audio I had for just a set of door pods and 6x9's... :blink:

  7. Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.

    If Chuck Norris and MacGyver were locked in a room together, Chuck would make a bomb out of MacGyver and get out.

    Chuck Norris once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.

    People with amnesia still remember Chuck Norris.

    Chuck Norris invented the internet... just so he had a place to store his p*rn.

    Chuck Norris played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun

    and won.

    When Chuck Norris plays Monopoly, it affects the actual world economy.

    Chuck Norris gave Mona Lisa that smile.

    Chuck Norris can touch MC Hammer.

    Once a cobra bit Chuck Norris's leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died

    Chuck Norris doesn't use pickup lines, he simply says, "Now."

  8. To be honest mate, I bought a set of New Jap Rims and Lug nuts recently from Nightspirit and It was my first time ever using him as a trader before and I honestly can say he was the most helpful guy ever. Everything arrived in perfect condition and I was constantly pm'd with delivery updates and any questions I had, and he was only too happy to answer me back. :)

    Why don't you try giving him a message and ask him how long it will take to get checked out properly?

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