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Everything posted by Raz

  1. i allways use BP ultimate 97 RON it runs good enough Nads, can i just point out that you need to sort your sig out
  2. Fucking nice seats mate! Lip looks nice aswell but love the damn seat man, how much were they?
  3. fuking cops, need to learn to drive!! guy comes flying from the right at the roundabout and zooms across fuking dumbass if it was a chav i would have gave chase to him lol to piss him off
  4. The weather is never too bad to spend time on your love!
  5. As far as i'm concerned, points cannot be issued for a too loud of an exhaust, they can fine you and at most get you to change it if it is still too loud with a baffle in it! Points? stupid dumbass cop Whats the point of a loud exhaust lol? My Glanza is real quiet. Make it less chavy! So many chavs think they will kick the Glanzas ass... They are wong!!
  6. are you a stalker lol cheers for the reply, time for me to stalk now
  7. Yes i have Glanza! And nice, Thanks alot!! mate
  8. can you get a pic mate, i had a look at the manifold, can't see it, even if i doo see it still dont know about it :S thanks!!
  9. dude, there is a glanza going for £1600 and its automatic, best for your missus for run about in town go to the starlet for sale section
  10. How much you pay for the insurace then? Im 18
  11. DAMN FUCKING IT I really want centre arm rest lol
  12. His plate is something like S?? AAV I just wanna see if he is a forum user say hi n all that. Who are you dude lol Some chinese or japanese chick has a white glanza, tinted windows n black alloys, saw you near Farnborough college, You there? rofl
  13. haha all the time mate, its very annoying in the wet, i got left behind at the lights by a TDi golf Can you guess why (Clue: It was pissing it down) I am a new owner of Glanza too, well about a month old almost now lol, but i'm 18 but i got it when i was 17 My mum paid some money for it for (my brithday) and my bro did the insurance aah, what else do you want lol and its auto which is why i acutally got it, I must say some Glanza are ill treaten! They should be treated like Classics one off cars
  14. Hi mate, Do you still remember who you go that from... You say you got it from "Jonnyrad"... Does he have more? And i also will need a bracket, How did you have to pay for yours?
  15. Please do so mate thanks
  16. WHAA?? My Dump had very little oil around it I have been told to not worry about it, but yea..
  17. Thank You! - OFFTOPIC - Anyone having probs with checking there hotmail email?
  18. Still blows fire onto my face! even on auto:S and fan speed increases?? stupid rthing
  19. i allways have problems taking the stupid rubber off anyone else?
  20. How will i launch a Auto glanza, i got 6.8 out of it but yesterday i tried it again and got 9.7 and then was pissed of with that time, so i tried erm about 4 more times and got 11.something. I had a frend doing the stop watch... and we were at a set of light, there may be cases of being out of sync and stuff, but how the hell did we get 6.8 the other time.
  21. auto indeed! what the fuck? What does this do lol?
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