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Posts posted by AndyR

  1. They've got to drop, while It may seem that they can get away with charging OTT It MUST drop because the British Economy can't support the prices. Haulage companies are shutting down and limiting the amount of lorries that go out. As I work for a haulage and brewing firm I can tell you from fact. The UK is kept running by road haulage since Mr. Beeching got rid of most of the railways many years ago. Without the lorries distributing throughout the country we as a country will entirely shut down. Imagine going to your local supermarket and there being nothing on the shelves, people have to eat.. the government has to bend on the issue otherwise we'll be in yet another recession with even bigger problems than we have now. 'One step forward - two steps back' theory. :)

  2. The insurance is also based per annum on the amount of drivers crashing your particular type of car, a percentile adjustment of cars owned in an age category (such as an 18-21 group) and determine how much it should go up by to cover their costs.

    For example; the majority of starlet owners will probably see a less of an increase against say saxo drivers and I will see even less of an increase against you starlet owners.

    Had an hour long discussion with my insurance company on how this works! -_-

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