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Posts posted by Dalyz

  1. nice picture mate! few little bits that would have made it just pop... could have taken it on a third (rule of thirds) civic is bang centre of the picture. did you use a tripod? if so perhaps use a slightly longer exposure and maybe a lower camera angle so the water doesn't cacth as much light, just seems like a big distraction in the photo. do you have any editing software? like photo shop... a blast of contrast would realy bring the orange side repeaters out and give the paint work loads of depth.

    sorry if that seems a bit harsh, just is a wicked pic and thought some evaluation and advice might help if you want to do more ^_^

    yer I know what you mean man, its was a spare the moment shoot really, I didn't use a tri pod so couldn't get a over expose shot. I did get a bit of a lens flare which pisses me off but there always next time. I don't mind criticism you can always learn form other point of views. The water I did try but didn't really work thats why and I used a saturation to tinge the image.

  2. cheers guys for your replys does mean alot. I'm sorting out a photography website and its a bit empty just to say but dan if you want some pics when your ready give me a P/M and we will sort things out. Im gonna meet up with the guy again with the civic to get some more pics and another mate who has a S15.

  3. shit man like sparky said good luck with the op and hopefully you can find away around to keep it man to much effort has gone into it and like you said you haven't given it a proper go yet after the build. if you can keep it you should and I say this for everyone from the forum :lol:

  4. looking good man, havn't seen it for a while and you as well. glad the ep is looking good man, it does loom like it would rape the other cars off the track. yo man as well may need your help as well of getting a glansa planning of importing and would lie some help if you don't mind man.

  5. Good build man really looks different and love the carbo arches as well. Makes me think to import a glansa :thumbsup:. I'm glad as well you kept the car lots of love (and money) has got into her and it would of been a shame if it went.

  6. Thats shit to hear man, I never had any problems with the police down here becasue of of swansea have got imports anyway its rare to see a normal uk plate :thumbsup: but as for the police they just think its just a body kitted fiesta which they told me one time (fail) shit happens when you dicks in the fuzz most of them are good with you and normally interested but a hand full should go f**k them selves and get layed

  7. Well I had to get rid of the starbo for now because of lack of money and also need to eat and pay rent (which is always a good thing) but now I have some decent fundings coming in and debating of getting a ST185 or a bit different EP85. I do fancy a four wheel drive and had both cars before, well a EP82 but not 100% what I would go for?

  8. Well it should be out now but one of the designers of the game came in our game store and was telling us why it was taking so long. They want it in 3d as well that he told us and they went through nearly all the cars again and putting the extra little touches on the cars so they would be perfect. He said the first car that was completly done was the r35 gtr skyline. It took about 3 months or 4 can't remeber just to do the in sides and the lexus super car (can't remeber the name) said that look even longer but that was 2 months ago when he told us.

    also to add the company are in a slight debt of 117m so that doesn't help

  9. FPS is better on the pc have to say. I traded my MW2 in couple of days ago. To many people cheating on the bloody game. Three games in a row and all had some sort of glitch

    1. person had a nuke and only killed one person

    2. differsnt sever a guy had unlimited ammo

    3. another sever a guy had some invincibility glitch

    sucks ass hope that COD black ops will be better

  10. I haad the 82 now for a couple of months and it been perfect (well Sort of :harhar: ) and the car is having a idle problem. When sitting in traffic during the day it idles fine but as soon I put anything eletric goes on then it starts playing games. The rev needle goes up and down all the time, it starts at 1100 and then drops to 500 even 300! but it always goes back to 1100 again. What could be?

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