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Posts posted by FreedomCore

  1. Nice work, keeping a tidy car!

    Cheers man, Just abit annoyed right now as ive only got one jack handy. But i need two to swap the drums.

    And i dont really want to drive it to halfords to buy a jack.

    Considering changing the paint though. Used Matt black. Looked good but i bet after driving in the rain.....its probably taken a turn.

  2. Did abit of a facelift on some odds and ends yesterday during the sunny period.

    Cleaned and painted the brake drums

    Polished and painted some parts of the engine bay

    Removed some of the old air filter mounts

    And used some Gunk on the engine.

    And to demonstrate how much of a fucking idiot i am, I belive i may have put the drums on the wrong was round. :angry2:

  3. I consider myself to have abit of an OCD when it comes to cleaning. Currently I use Greased Lightening. Which to be honest, hasn't done a bad job.


    But I want to do a great job and make my car sparkle. Any products I should get?

    Lists of products and your cleaning habits gets you extra points. :)

    I'm looking at being Loyal to Ninja Shine customer. Looks cheeky, Just not sure what to go for.

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