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Everything posted by ross

  1. lol @ Sparky! listen to the man dude, search Flebay for some cold air feeds or something
  2. lmao so whos starlet you gonna chop to pieces then Sparky boy?? yours i take it??
  3. nice bit of home DIY there lmao
  4. just find a Electronic boost gauge and wire it into your REV counter seen it done, looks pretty cool
  5. will take some pics tomorrow when shes going back together
  6. bugga, 2 late it is now insured as a turbo though before anyone starts going on about all this, got adrian flux to insure me
  7. lol @ idrees, i have a bald tire :lol:
  8. are the 5E-FE ones any bigger than the 4E-FE?
  9. i know they aint legal! my car aint legal! lol just want one on the front thts all!
  10. anyone know where to get them from, with the 7 character uk numbers to fit? can only find 5? anyone know what i mean?? sorta like this one i made up in paint!!
  11. not he top bit, where the horn is connected too! light panel is seam welded on not hard to remove though, but the whole front end has to come off, just like tht picture!
  12. the slam panel was £35 and the light panel which was ordered today was around the same, not cheap but not expensive! its just one of those cars you dont mind spending money on i think!
  13. here is an update of the car, just waiting on a headlamp panel from toyota then she's done! hopefuly tomorrow!! engine is back in its place now too! lol sorry bout the poor quality, taken from my phone
  14. i would put 15's on there, but my downpipe would hit the floor, its about 1 nd a half inches away now!
  15. Sparky, you wanna try having a white one!!! aint got any dirty pics of mine as i dont see them to be a kodak moment!!! lol!
  16. i was on about the wire coming through them actually, didnt notice untill i took the bumper off....
  17. ok, so for those who dont know, the front end got pulled off whilst towing it! so i thought i take some things off it to see whats damaged, quiet a bit actually, here some pics: oh yeah, and here is part of my plans, not revealing too much ;) : also this bumper is for sale, will be re-fibreglassed : Also found out i need a new tyre due to rubb-age. pretty impressive i say
  18. hmmm not too sure... can you take the centre vent out??
  19. think i might jus need to have one ;)
  20. probably would have a speed restriction on it, i think they are limited to 112mph?? not sure though, you can get a speed limit de-restriction, search the site for topics on this as im sure there are some ;)
  21. must have been one similar around somewhere, could of sworn i seen it some where ;)
  22. where have i seen it then, wernt a LAX power this year was it??
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