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Posts posted by Slim

  1. alright all members just a quick question

    does anyone no about the uk starlet stickers for the back side windows i spoke to SiCaln about them but he was not to sure when i would be able to get them could anyone scan the stickers if they have got some spare so i could get some made.


  2. not being funny but i think he would not last 5 sec's on a track i have outhandled lods cars n out bracked them so a 106 will be no prob on the track mybe a bit of trouble on straight line but i will see how eats dust when he come's off the track trying to keep with me lmao




  3. 1.gaz/gaz lol




    5.AndyT/ Andy


    7. TRD_Starlet_08/ Billy


    9. AdDaMAn/Ad

    10. kj_GT-T/Kieran

    11. Tuckerd/(Danny)

    12. SeanTurbo/ umm sean

    13. Green_machine/ andy (southend, depending on time)


    ill see you there

    :) should be good what is going on we meeting up and going for a cruse or just meeting

  4. lads i no they are not listed my 1s were the first 300 mill disc's if you want them they have all the spec from my design so no real waiting and given them a hub they want my car in there site because it is the first starlet to be done

  5. ? how for the first time?

    can you tell me more about your car?

    like the brakes? how much did they set you back and how do they act matey???


    Well basically my car has been in the garage getting all my mods on it and I was able to drive it for the first time Friday

    well I have had to take it easy for 500 miles to wear them in I have got a couple of picks I will put them on hear when I can use my computer at home I am at college so I cant at the mo i will put them on sometime this week

  6. drove the sr first time the other day and dont they go i thought they were quick but they are f*****g quick i raced a new mini and i could not belive how much i was pulling on it he was giving it all he could and couldnt keep with me lol

    i love my SR :angry:

  7. where are the uk starlet club stickers for all our cars i am sure they were on the old site I was thinking of getting some dun what does every1 think they should say just the web site?

    www.ukstarletclub.com <--- ???

    for the back window i also thought about the stickers for the back side windows

  8. what a prat i would never ever chose a saxo over my starlet there is nothing wrong with them i think it is good to have a car no one no's what it is till it goes flashing past them lol dont get me wrong a saxo are k but come on mate

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