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Posts posted by BearFaceOfDoom

  1. Most interestingly from what I've been told and heard/read is that no matter what car they've got, you don't have to pull over for them anyway if it's unmarked.

    There was a case recently where an "unmarked police car" was trying to pull a young girl over but she didn't pull over and then all of a sudden both cars were surrounded by marked cars... Turned out the driver of the "unmarked police car" was in fact a previously convicted rapist.

    But in hull we have:

    Proton Impian is the standard patrol car

    Impreza approx 400bhp

    Evo X approx 600bhp

    And a Lexus thats according to the police themselves is pushing around 800bhp lol

    So in Hull unless it's a proton... Don't bother! :lol:

  2. Barry obviously won the lottery and asked his 5 year old son to design his car for him.

    The sad thing is theres without a doubt more than £10000+ gone into that and it's literally the worst car I have ever seen in my life! What goes through some peoples heads really? :S

  3. Helped fit them to my mates Almera GTi (Bare in mind he's a mechanic for the M.O.D so we didnt do a shit job of it lol) and no sooner had he driven down the road and hit a pot hole they were knocked stright out of place again.

    I don't wanna put a downer on your day but imo not worth it and you'd be better off with the standard setup until you can get some pillowball top mounts B) They're a much more reliable and accurate way to dial in some decent camber :p

  4. Look up and check out the following:


    Molotov Solution

    Parkway drive

    The Dillinger Escape Plan




    The Black Dahlia Murder


    With Chaos in Her Wake


    A nice mix of different styles and genre's there to keep most mmmmosha's happy lol :rolleyes:

  5. I wanna know where Dan507's came from! I'm not gonna lie though LukeSr's avatars generally brighten up my day and as for "Hurr... I'm a durr!" That actually has made me cry with laughter ;)

  6. Well whoever said an exhaust louder than standard can't be telling the truth. All performance exhausts have to go through scrutinizing to make sure they're legal for road use. If they arent, like a Buddy Club spec 2 for example then they are classed as track exhausts and illegal for road use :)

  7. For £750 I would buy it and drive it and get as much enjoyment as possible out of it :D

    If it busts within two days you can break it and easily make your money back plus much more. If it lasts a year, 2 years, 3 years... then you got a fuckin good deal mate :D

    I'm on around 135000km so around 78000 miles i reckon :) easy got another 50000 miles to go yet :o

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