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Posts posted by lottie

  1. Dont think theres anyone who doesnt like you to abuse then ryan haha!

    And yea noticed you have been rusty for a while lol

    really do not understand that first bit and yh need abit of wd40!

    try plan a day? depends what your price bracket is.... you would spend the day with her doing something ( for me it would so be the zoo! :p ) but she may not be as childish as me haha then take her shopping to get something she wants or book her for a couple hours into a spa with a mate and u could either have a meal with just the two of you or arrange a surprise meal and drinks with you and her mates/ family there. then when you get home give her whatever she wants... :) just flowing ideads here lol

  2. Ugg boots, ring, earings, gig tickets, nice bash up meal n somthin small to rember the bday list is endless. also depends on the bday is she a special age? I had dimond earings made for mrs on her 21st few years back to match the braclet her parents had bought so it became a nice set etc. realy need more info of you want more of an awesome sugestion from one of us lol.

    Could of guessed you arnt the jewlery type lottie lol id of thought a crazy coloured set of dc's or something shiney for your gt would be more your ticket lol :)

    haha! wow bang me! people always have said im easy :p

  3. Thanks to the staff, was a weekend to remember. Taggy, what a guy. It's got 5 seats and turbo!

    Thanks to the people who creamed me when I passed out infront of Taggys tent. I think I would have been quite burnt other wise

    Haha don't forget the orange juice as well ;) gotta get that vitamin c!

    Awesome weekend! Gotta admit! Been on a right downer now it's finished! :( but nether the less some brilliant memories and can't wait till next year to see everyone again and some new faces hopefully! Thank you so much to everyone that made it possible. Big respects!

    Also get that video of Davey up :p

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