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Posts posted by EP_YOGI

  1. Cheers for the comments guys. I picked the car up for £1400, but it was around £1600 to get to my house, currently owes me around £2200, but i've stopped counting now, its not really a money thing anymore, im doing it because its what i want to do and its going to put a smile on my face, and that's all that really matters! Plus your money just sits in the bank earning FA interest!

    Quick question about rear breaks, mine are really rusty and make a rubbing noise when you drive (it goes away after a while), the mot guy said they are fine. Asked a few mates and they said the rear breaks don't do that much, so there's no point spending loads on them. So will standard discs and pads cut it, or is it worth going for the drilled/grooved?

    O yea, the pictures are a tad deceiving! There are quite a few imperfections in the paintwork, which you can't see in the pics! Doesn't really bother me at the moment though!

    A few more pics...i know, it needs a clean!







  2. Hey guys, i'm pretty new on the forum, some of you may have read my build thread but im going for a TD04 setup, however need abit of advice weather to go internal or external wastegate. I've asked a few friends, been back and fourth, but still can't really make the decision.

    Doing abit of research, most people say to avoid the cheap ebay stainless steel manifolds, however are the mildsteel ones still cheaply made?

    So just wondering is it worth spending the extra money on the external gated setup, what are your views from your experience? Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks!

  3. Reading this should inspire all the Starlet and non-Starlet owners (like me. Loving that positive attitude.

    Shocked that you have the money (and time) for a Glanza build being at uni!

    From what I see it looks like you have a good base to start with.

    Look forward to following this thread and hope all goes well medically.


    Cheers pal appreciate the comment, lol well i lived at home with parents, didn't really go out drinking much so managed to save most of my loan!

  4. Hey guys, been on the forum for a while, but havn't really said much! Had my Glanza since last November but only just got it on the road, picked it up quick cheap as it needed a few things to get it on the road.

    So i'll set the scene with a bit of background story - My names Yogesh, most people know me as Yogi. I'm 22, studying Automotive Technology at the uni of Hertfordshire. I love cars, i mean really really love cars. I enjoy working on cars, but will admit i am a bit of a noob, but love learning new things. I've always said the only way you can really learn something is by actually doing it, making mistakes and learning from them, rather than just reading it.

    So a few weeks ago I find out i've got leukemia and also need a bone marrow transplant..it came as quite a shock to me too! Just trying to stay positive through it all, i've also had a medical condition - ulcerative colitis for the past four years and stayed positive throughout this too, managed to get through most of uni with it so not going let this stop me now. Also have great family and friends supporting me, so no reason to be down in the dumps really!

    So anyway, after finding this out I thought you only live once, so im going TD04!! Due to funds it won't be an all out project, (just yet) but enough to turn heads and most importantly put a smile on my face. I love attention to detail and subtle mods, so there will be plenty of tasteful surprises (along with the common TD04 setup) that will hopefully keep you reading. Unfortunately, as I will be in and out of hospital a lot, this may be a slow build thread. The plan at the moment is to source all the parts and hopefully one weekend get a few mates down and fit the setup, everything else will follow soon after.

    Okay, now about the car! 96 Glanza V, pretty much standard, apart from the blitz n spec and baileys dump valve, it had a bunch of other micky mouse mods which i took off. Picked it up from some cowboy - seriously i wouldn't recommend this guy even owning a push bike. I knew the car needed a bit of work as it was off road and all that, but this guy had a go at fixing it and ended up cross threading the cv joint, ball joint and all the bolts. So basically I ended up replacing the bearings (one had gone), CV joints, ball joints and front discs and pads. This with a few other minor things got the car on the road. Was slightly dissapointed, as the car has a boost leak. Checked all the piping and they are all tight and don't have cracks/tears, so maybe the turbo seals or actuator? Not overly bothered as im going TD04, pretty much everything will be replaced.

    A few pics..Apologies you had to read the essay and only get a couple of pics! Will get better ones up soon!



    Any comments/criticisms/recommendations/suggestions are welcome, will defo be bugging you guys for advice and guidance, the banter on this forum is great!

  5. cheers for the welcome guys ;)

    all i need to know at the moment is what grade oil does the car need? as i need to top it up, silly question i know :)

    also does anyone else find getting insurance hard?

    Hello mate, im pretty new too, but i was told to get 5w 40 grade oil. I think 10w 40 is also okay too.

  6. Thanks for the comments guys, i'll try and get some more pics up. Its just the glanza's looking abit sorry for itself as it came with a odd set of wheels! Its pretty much standard, had a few micky mouse mods which i took off, but its got a blitz nur spec exhaust - nice! So just collecting parts at the mo, want to get it on the road as soon as poss and then i'll go from there mods wise. I've got one exam next week, but after that its hard work on the car - hopefully the weather is good too. But yea, i'll start a build thread once i get going, i've got a few ideas in mind that i'll need opinions on, so should be good!.

    Cheers Kiran - i'll look behind the dash when i get a chance, i'll give you a shout when i get started on the car, if your in Hatfield give us a call n come check out the car if you want.

  7. Hey guys, i'm new to the jap scene - being a dub guy, got a glanza about a month ago, needs a few things doing hopefully when I get the time off from revision I can put it on the road. Collecting parts at the mo, came across this forum while looking at the classified ads and thought i must sign up!

    One question i do have, is there such thing as a factory turbo timer? The car does have a turbo timer because when you turn the car off, it stays on for a while and turns off by itself. However I cannot seem to locate it!! Usually people put it under the steering wheel, but its nowhere to be found on this car, so i was wondering if there is such a thing where there is no unit? The car is pretty much standard i.e factory ecu etc. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

    A few pics..

    Here's the dub, ignore the micky mouse wheels! (Sorry if im not allow post pics of other cars)


    Here's the Glanza - If anyone know's the car, please let me know, i'd love to find out abit more history on it.


    Regards, Yogesh

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