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Everything posted by Tommy_G

  1. hey, may pop along, depends if im comin back on friday....well wat tym on friday. sounds like a good meet...wat happened at the last one? some1 piss about? tom
  2. dartford...yer thatd b ok. not loadsa clubs tho. maidstones still close nd got quite a few clubs....then u gt rochester amadangerous...lol..nice Tom
  3. erm.... yer diferent...may look better lowerd? really not feeling that front bumper tho. skirts nd arches look ok....ruined tht glanza spoiler tho! keep us updated
  4. fkin cnts! i fuckin hate pikeys. bent your door for wat? a steering wheel?! theyl be to dumb to even use it neway. if u somehow catch them, itd be time for some street justice. hope u gt it fixed up soon Tom
  5. transporter 2 is sooooo ghay, but wateva erm The last race...short film like fast and furious. shit im out come to think of it theres not loads of car films...o Duel, Deathproof
  6. yer man your ryt ti gt rid of tht pinstripe..looks better now...uno not to listen to me i really like the gold bits..look sweet
  7. looks clean mate... i say lower it. then spoiler...even a sportif spoiler makes a big diference!
  8. based on a SJ like samuri yer? seen a few, look great fun.
  9. kl ill check it out... also i may black out the toyota logo...like wylos old n/a looked sik.
  10. yer ino... i need a set to do it on tho!...cnt be drivin round with no lights! i think i shud be able to take off the lenses, paint the isides black.. mayb even slightly tint the inner of the lenses. plus with more powerful xenon bulbs they shud be the same strength
  11. the bulge would be an ideal, but may aswell be part of a glanza conversion... lights may be a possibility
  12. Well i did a bit of experimenting with black tape. to see wat a painted grill may look like... wat do u think. i cant help feeling the need for a bonet bulge...to make the car balanced..i duno opinions welcome as usual Tom
  13. bloody great...my two favourite small jap cars... both lookin mighty fine Tom
  14. love it!!! the front spliutter makes sooo much difference and i really like the wheel nuts. fmic- hu cares, tho it does add extra weight.. one thing i would sugest is a pinstrip round the allloys (ino u prob already thort nd discareded tht idea) just to highlight them, just an idea. otherwise its top notch! tom
  15. nice one rick!! there are some tastey lookin beverages on ther....*busts out the credit card*
  16. question...do glanzas and n/as use the same gear box?...o and dont you need to remap/ swap the ecu?
  17. ive decided i want some..random yes...anyone know where or if i can get it : Tom ;)
  18. dave have u got any pics with them on your car? thnx 4 the numbers
  19. theyr quite cool, anyone know wat sort of price they retail at? avalibility? guess toyota. oh yer...i guess the lines (scores) on the insides of lights doo stuff? lol
  20. yer sounds interesting dave.... get some pics up.!!!
  21. well looking at the n/as lights, i think they make the car look old. now ino u can get the nice crystal ones. but personally i loke the lights that have dark surrounds...like the EK9 (civic..lol) or the Glanza. the normal n/a lights are sort of cloudy, nd liney...lol, not clean. anyone know of ne lights avaliable? just to sort of facelift the front. Tom
  22. no worries mate, credit where credits due and all that. keep up the good work.
  23. hahaha...i was just about to jack it up but the bastards had chained it round the axel, inbetween brakelines... so id hav had to smash it off, nd thts criminal damage. if they get me again tho im tearing it off..
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