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Posts posted by legs

  1. Hey guys,

    Ive been thinking about my paseo (pewee lol) and what i could do to make her stand out something a little different... the one idea i like is a graffiti bonnet so i went on to photo shop and had a play about......im not expert mind you but i would really appreciated your opinion.......obvious when it goes on the edges wont be as shape and it will bend in better but as i say im not expert lol

    so here goes.......


  2. hi jamielee

    ive changed them on my paseo and put some uprated bushes on them i got mine from fensport take a pic and post it up and im sure we'll be able to find the right ones for ya :-)

    awesome thank you :D not quite sure what im taking a pic of lol but ill have a go hahahaha google image search should help me on that one me thinks :lol:

  3. Sounds like a plan there. We need more members but I have this bug in me wanting to get a good Paseo meet somewhere midland for everyone to be able to attend. Sort of like a big Paseo meet, loads of Paseos, loads of used parts to sell and loads of advice and info for all owners.

    My aim for this club isn't just at the young either, its for the older drivers too. I'd like everyone to feel welcome on this site, its not just for us kids :D

    That sounds like an awesome idea :D i would be up for that for sure :lol: share the paseo love :D lol

  4. there are two kinds of drop link that might fit your car. if you have a picture of your one it will help immensely. both are found on EP91 so if you know which of the two you have you can buy replacements, for instance from fensport.co.uk

    also i happen to have a spare 5 speed paseo gearbox, i fitted a 6 speed to mine so i don't need it anymore.

    i havnt got a clue regarding the drop links lol ill have to get the guy that looked to have another look and let me know, gear box how easy are they to replace? and how much ?

    sorry im useless lol

  5. Mine has :D Cause nothing but trouble. Passenger side caliper sticks slightly :lol:

    And Jamielee, not a problem, I'l get them ordered up, they should be with me early March and then il PM you regarding postal address and all :D

    Any Paseos roaming around your area at all? If so il get some flyers whacked into that envolope and you can get them on board too.

    I will be attending JAE this year (its in september) but other than that I personally am not at any shows. For JAE this year (as me and Niteryder did last year) I will be attending the UKSC stand as we haven't got enough numbers for making it a worthy plot for Paseos. Maybe next year eh.

    Well if you pop some flyers in there too and ill give them out at the shows or anywhere i see one as i will be gettin out of the studios and doing alot of promo this year :D

    also if every you want a photoshoot sorted out with some paseos id be more than willing to pose along with mine of course :D


  6. Hey,

    i had my paseo looked over the other day and i was told that i would need to get an anti roll drop link, ive looked on the net and i can not for the love of me find what ever this is for a paseo only mr2 and others blahh blahhh is there anyone that can help me locate where to get one?

    Alsoo lol im having a problem with my gear box it slips out of 5th but only when i put my foot on the accelerator however if i hold it in place it works fine, does this mean i am going to have to replace the gearbox or is there a way that this can be fixed?

    sorry to be a pain lol

    jamielee x x x

  7. why hello gorgeous :lol:

    car looks good aswell, get her lowered and she will be a minter!

    Just give me a shout if you need a sig or anything done :D

    Yeah i want to get her lowered also im thinking matt black with my badges purple insted of blue,

    Thank you so so much for the welcomes you are all very kind :D Do you go to any of the car shows ?

  8. Hey welcome :lol:

    I saw this up on Pistonheads a few weeks ago, was that when you bought it or were you testing the water?

    If there are any questions, just ask!

    Also do you want a set of PaseoPIMP decals to represent on your car? If so, forum style or normal text? And what colour? They are free :D

    Hey there, yeah that was my car, i had the chance to get another car but in the end decided against it and to keep my pewee lol,

    oh id love some decals, forum style would be cool and in purple pweeeease :D

  9. Wow i didnt realise that there was a site for paseos:) woop

    well yeah :)

    im jamielee, im 23 from the bedfordshire area :) i have not long had my paseo and i love it :) although i have to say that until i went to see it i had never heard or seen one before and when ever anyone asks me what car i have i tell them and well they have a rather blank look lol :)

    She is standard atm apart from the wheels atm and have some plans however i am not very clued up on cars so no doubt ill be asking advice on here so please bare with me lol

    well here is my car ( called Pewee )

    This was the day i bought her



    This is as she is now


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