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Posts posted by loguey

  1. Went out to pick my misses up after shed been out for a few drinks last night, i began a 3 point turn in the centre of town and what should come hooning round the corner? A lovely little black sr! This is important to me, there are very little starlets round my way. So i stopped for a quick chat, they where complimenting me on how clean mine was and i did same for them as it was actually quite clean looking. Then the bullshit came.. "Awh I've got a full straight through system its been chipped runnin about 125bhp"

    Yeah okay mate im thinking.... Bless him, i kno thats not possible.

    Just thort id share that moment with you starleteers lol :)

  2. My pops picked this up at the weekend. Its an absolutely shed, half assembled never been run but been sat in a garden getting damp and rusty.

    Plan on binning the 1300 pinto lump and getting a 1600 crossflow from the mk4 escort doner car. Unsure on colour yet, id like to go graphite with the body and black arches and roll bar. He wants it to look like his side of the wardrobe, 1970's (luckily im painting it)

    Ideas welcome :)


  3. Gearboxes are actually easy on vags this year I've done 4 polo boxes and 3 golf mk4 1.8t boxes lol I'm a apprentice vag tec so gotta forever repair me mates vags :/

    More fool you for becoming a vw tech lol. Hate anything from VAG such a pain to work on unless you do them everyday. I used to own a 6n polo, replaced 2 gearboxes and sealed up a leaky sunroof

  4. Thing is lacquer will probably corrode again

    I remember somebody posting something to protect lacquer-less metal finishes, but can't remember what it's called. Was about £60 and protects for months apparently

    Without a doubt mate. Best thing you can do with these wheels is never kerb them and keep them ss clean as posible

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