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Posts posted by metalmickey0

  1. My light has never come on either when its dangerously near empty.


    I never run mine any lower then 1/4 as thats when you start to suck up the shit from the bottom of the tank. Not good

  2. Use a sat nav for your speed. They are accurate too. Your own dash speedo is always about 3mph faster than your actuallty doing.

    As ive tested that theory on the motorway. Do 70mph and sat nav says about 67mph.

  3. The problem i have is when i stand on the throttle or go up a steep hill my car sounds like a bag of spanners. Just pootling around its fine.

    I tried the 98 octane fuel as a test and it was a lot better but more expensive for me. I even took it to my local toyota garage for a tune up and it came back not much better as he said thats all he could do. But personnally i think he did bugger all. And no-one i know can do computer timing, not even the local auto tuners i`ve asked cant do it as it was them who said toyota only. Which i think i bollocks.

    I have a EP91 4EFE n/a and want a way of solving it very cheaply. I`ve changed the plugs and its got a K&N air filter which is still clean.

    Anybody know how to solve this little problem i have?

  4. haha, glad im not the only one then :)

    i had another episode over the weekend and smashed up my laptray! not a good idea as after the rage i realised i now didnt have anything to put my laptop on and i had a fuck load of polystyrene balls everywhere :wacko:

    Excellent. Did chuckle to myself when i read that bit. Wonderful things are hoovers :D

  5. Bit pricey mate. Rear light cluster cover £25 each new from Toyota indictor covers £6 each. Sorry to have a go but prices on this forum are unrealistic.

    Sorry i dont think so. For a pair of rear light clusters complete is £160ish and thats ebay. Plus 98spec lenses WONT fit any other spec as rear bit is different as i found out. Luckily.

  6. Awww fair enuff lol kinda glad I got it now lol Evan if I did have to google to find out wa a faraday cage was lol

    There you go, you learn something new everyday. :)

    Do you fancy having a go in one. I do :D

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