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About corollagt

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  1. Well Names Jay. I started TOC-Irl. Know alot of members on here threw TOC. Just after getting back into a Glanza. Had one years ago when I was importing car's but never really modded it as the starlet scene was only beginning in Ireland then. Put money on a tidy example there the other night. Member's on here would know the car as Browner had it advertised on here when he was selling it. Car is the same as when Browner had less the engine as a previous owner blew the engine. Cant wait to pick it up next week and get started on it. Need's an acuator as its not boosting properly, other than that
  2. And if ye dont mind please stop setting up a fake account everyday. Im sick to death of deleting them. Nobody on the site has any interest in any shit ye want to post do us a all a favour and find another forum to weasel your way around and gain the trust of all the member and staff and screw them over. Nice knowing ye. And to Steve and all at UKSC sorry for all the hassle of this spilling over on to here. This will be my last post in this thread
  3. You never showed. Banners ha I handed you money at heatwave for banners. And if ye remember correctly it was actually my missus that gave ye the money and Andy.Hoodie eh me and John gave it to you out of our pocket to cover the postage and you spent it and I had to stump up double the postage when I finally recieved the money to send them out and post stickers that were paid for 3 months before I could send them out.. Gazebo's ye never paid out of your pocket so stop bullshitting there and Lanyards nobody asked you for them at all and how many people did you ask to pay for them and if I reme
  4. I like to know what cost you hundreds to buy as banners and stuff were paid for aswell as rest of gear. You made over €200 selling stickers at the first big meet and we never seen 5 euro of that. You kept spinning me shit saying you would drop it over etc. Same as Kev send me a list of costs you supposedly paid and ill gladly give ye the money less money you collected from members and spent and then me and john gave you money from Paypal which you them spent AGAIN and I had to pay to get all the hoodies o
  5. Off topic but the amount of people being stung over between here and other sites, people need to know what Neil is like
  6. Ah neil stinging people as usual ha ha. It will all come back on ye dont worry Mr hard man sending threatning pm's on here to vwpolo and other people. Since your in dublin this weekend you'll be passing Naas so drop in for a friendly cup of tea to me and Kev. Your nothing but a sneak that have stung lots of people out of money. Suppose ye need some way to pay for an imaginary ticket for oz. As usual your full of absolute shit and excuse's no wonder youv'e no friends left. Everyone wants to stay well clear of ye
  7. Neil make sure to bring the money you owe me aswell your PP doesn't seem to be working at all im waiting for money frow you ages now aswell as OP Plus other's
  8. Jesus were havin a reunion at Showerks cant wait
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