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Posts posted by aki-ep

  1. As above, mine is as follows;

    Starting... Mon tues wed thurs - 12 hour nights

    Off fri sat sun

    Mon tues wed 12 hour days- off thurs , in fri sat sun 12 hour nights,

    Off mon tues wed, in 12 hour days, thurs fri sat sun, then a full week off.

    That is my shift throughout the year, if it lands on Xmas, you've got to work it haha, all the older blokes get their holidays in on the sly!

    I test and commission engineer at BAE Systems barrow in Furness, google 'astute class' or 'Devonshire dock hall'


  2. Lol, I refused to take an overnight bag then on the final hearing 5 mins before I left I packed myself some stuff just in case lol. The people I protected by keeping my mouth closed were really not worthy of it, but grassing is not an option!

    glad you didnt grass mate, huge respect for that

  3. I had no previous either, I was done for joint enterprise 2 charges and some tic'd. I think I got 180 suspended and a 18 month community order with LOADS of other requirements. I got extended tag, and all sorts. I was at crown and chucked in the holding cells for an hour pulled back up and the judges words were 'I'm glad you've had a taster of the cells, because thats what you have to look forward to...' 'THAT is if you reoffend' lol them words will be permanantly stored in my mind for life lol.

    I used it all to my advantage got extra qualifications and a cscs card and forklift and eventually was signed off it all very early because Of my attitude. Tag was already off by then though, spent way too much time on that.

    You live and learn though, it made me realise a lot of things!

    fucking hell mate haha!

    my barrister said 'ring your mum/dad and tell them to bring your stuff, because you're going'!

    i was fucking bricking them haha! i got 6 months prison suspended for 2 years as well.

  4. a few years back I spent best part of a year on tag, for a similar sort of thing got it for something that I didn't personally do, but didn't open my mouth to the boys in blue.

    It truly sucked, I tried all the old tricks of removal, not a chance lol.

    Only thing that really helped me through the time was I found it worked on a radius although they say they set the points as you walk to each end of your house, they're actually only checking it doesn't alarm at each end of your house, mine didn't alarm out in my garden, the garage at the end of the garden and the driveway.

    Yep i spent MONTHS in there!

    my perimeter's the back garden and garage area ha. not long left now, got 6 weeks left, hopefully fly by.

    my charges were ABH and resisting arrest, but because i had no previous i didnt go down!

  5. Right then I don't know which one I'm more gutted for !

    haha! can't work nightshift at work or anything! loosing so much money! plus i've got to do community service at the weekends!

    definition of depressed ^^

  6. I moved out at 18. It is hard to start off, but you do find your way :) I found as above food, FUEL to be right brain ache! On the plus side its great to have your space and that, but I miss my mum to so my laundry lol!! Now im looking to buy as im 21 and married. Time flys lol. Best of luck though mate!!

    thanks mate!

    yeah i gonna have to learn how to use a washing machine haha!

  7. When you move in, make a list of bills for each month and a total for that month. Some bills are different amounts at various points in the year. Keep it to hand and try setup as many direct debits as possible. Most companies offer a discount paying direct debits, and also opt for paperless billing, that also offers a discount.

    My electric and gas is on a key meter, but me and the mrs are hardly ever at home due to working, so paying a fixed amount for the year doesn't work for us as we would be paying more. Although you will get credit for the next year, its still dead money as the money next year is worth less than the money now.

    thanks for the reply mate, will take it into account. i move in next week!

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