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Stevie B

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Posts posted by Stevie B

  1. Finally this is a random one but does anyone know if there is a wide arch kit on the market for the Glanza's?

    K x

    he could do what this person done with their gt, spend lots of cash..... and end up with this lovely disaster:




  2. #2 without a doubt! Think it looks wicked! You REALLY don't want anything TOO low, as i know due to mine scraping on everything, it's a challenge to get round car parks with speed bumps, I couldn't actually park at college!! K x

    trust me, i know the pain of going low lol

    #2 mate any ideas where you can get that bumper from ?

    a few :o still working on it though :)

  3. a LOT of mixed opinions, if i went with the cruise one, i'd loose the fogs and id have a gap in the middle of the bumper due to the height of my greddy cooler, unless i just meshed over..... i dunno

    Dont think either suit the lines of your car tbh

    JAM??? :)

    Photoshop?? :o

    Jam is nice but its another splitter.... thats too low.


  4. Went from Irvine to Kilmarnock today and spotted two, one white, standard i think, the other black, had mixture of kit on it.

    Also passed a white one in Kilmarnock a few nights before with duck spoiler, black and red wheels, any one on here? Time to sell up, it seems is overdue!


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