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Everything posted by Crewman

  1. Thanks for the welcome, all. We're currently in talks about filming at Japfest, we'll be sure to swing by and visit the stand if/when we get the green light!
  2. Crews TV - Skys Modified Car Show Hi all, Just a quick introduction to us here at Crews and our TV showing which is premiering this Sunday (1st April) 9pm on Sky Showcase (Channel 203) We at CrewsVs.com have spent a lot of our time attending, photographing and filming as many local and major car meets as we physically can meeting car enthusiasts like yourselves. Now we are at a stage to take it to the next level and bring the car modifying scene along with us! Firstly; we are not trying to sell you anything, nor are we asking for your money, commitment to anything or to detract any members
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