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Posts posted by Matts

  1. I did copy an image link from photobucket like you would for the forum but it said that it was an incorrect format?

    Strange, it should have worked. Once i checked it in the database it had a .html extension which should have been .jpg that maybe why.

  2. allows others to flag themselves as a previous owner. with a from-to date...

    als be best to allow photo uploading. to protect against dead links!

    Excellent idea, did not think of that! I will add that to the list! Uploading is possible may be a problem with server resources though but i guess i could move to a better package!

  3. What's the best way of posting the picture. I used one from my photobucket but it says it's the wrong format?

    I fixed this for you, sorry about that! You have to insert a direct link to the image file. Basically a direct url like you would on the forums!

    Also it won't allow you to update your entry?

    Im currently working on this, this morning! :) Will update ASAP!

  4. Do the DVLA or Government have a Vehicle Enquiry api?

    Use that.

    Being imports and NO UK Equivalent... What would you search for? I know when you reg check my car you get Toyota 1.3 and thats it...

    I think the API costs you per time used... but not 100% sure tim!

    I've just made an update now once you enter your reg and click find it will get the year of import and the colour, so far it is appearing a little harder to get further information on imports!


  5. What arre you thinking about doing about build thread? Somewhere to have a link over to ukso or wherever your build thread is or just generally paste the full build thread into a box?

    Oh and seems like a good idea by the way well done matey

    What would you suggest buddy? I was originally thinking of just linking to users ukso build threads? I think i might add a section for users to post notes and so forth though that might be a good idea!

  6. I was thinking more along the lines of finding out if the car has current MOT, Insurance and TAX, I think that's free information but would need to check.

    It's not clear how to add a car, I assume I'd need to register to do so?

    Yes, i had to require users create an account to add their vehicles mainly for functionality so that they can amended their vehicles in future and have ownership over their entry!

    The users system is fully encrypted and hashed on the back end so no user has to worry about their data being at risk!

    I think that is something i could add, there are .gov services online to check mot, tax and so forth im sure i could write something to communicate with those services! Keep an eye on this thread i will start implementing these suggestions tonight/tomorrow.

  7. Yes mate, nice site. What are you using to host it?

    I've been hosting my website on my Raspberry Pi :D

    It looks good, I wonder if you could use a sub domain of ukstarletowners since that's free.

    My domain, www.dt125r.co.uk, allows me to put allocate www with something else for free. So the site I will be hosting on my pi is currently beta.dt125r.co.uk

    Maybe it would be possible to have carreg.ukstarletowners.com.Or whatever. EP-Reg is good too, just saves you paying for a domain.

    Thanks man, it's currently hosted on a low traffic droplet over at DigitalOcean. It if starts using more resources as it gains users i will upgrade the package. A subdomain would be good! :thumbsup:

    Ahaha, registered then realised it was for imports and not UKDM.

    It would be possible for me to create a uk specific section of the site, if this is something that would help!?

    If this keeps on getting developed we can build it into ukso...

    Need to add. Current Status imo... Dead/Scrapped. Current owner. and a way for new owners to get existing posts ammended....

    Thanks socks, i will continue to develop it! so we can talk it over if you like. Thats a good idea, i'll implement that today/tonight around work. I'll add the functionality for new owners to amend entries also! Any other ideas would be appreciated

    Do the DVLA or Government have a Vehicle Enquiry api?

    Use that.

    This is something i could look into but as Socks said import ep's dont really return a great deal when searched for also i imagine that the api would required payment to use! I do have something in mind however!

  8. nice clean import you got there mate and yea sounds like they are optional extra I've not seen any in mine :(

    Thanks buddy can't wait to get it on the road and start enjoying it!!

    Noticed today whilst under the car it has a full set of öhlins adjustable coilovers !! Never heared of these before? Searched around and a read a few people saying they're some of the best! Anyone shed some light on this??

  9. I literally refused to pay those silly prices they wanted for a piece of paper. I decided I couldn't be bothered with a car so just rode a bike for years instead. I'm lucky, 21, no years no claims (never driven since I passed when I was 17) and only payed £800 for my GT. Didn't think that was too bad. Was annoyed that my brother pays £220 for the same car though!

    How have you managed that, i would love for mine to only be that much!!

    Jeans isn't staying for much longer or being boosted ha. Saving up to move out and buying an economical whip ;)!

    Oh no! You can't leave the starlet scene! As much as i want to move out and so forth i think ill wait. I'll put the glanza first for now
  10. Your Glanza looks mint. Very good purchase.

    Best of luck with your insurance buddy :-)

    Thanks buddy appreciate it! Hopefully it will all work out!

    Nice glanza dude :)

    I'm on the same boat as you being 21, I'm waiting until September before I get my 1 year NCB so I'm using a 07 ibiza until then.

    I was quoted like 6k to insure my glanza with adrian flux, after talking to to a supervisor they brought it down to £2000 but I it was one of them stupid limited millage policies and couldn't do more than 5k miles a year

    Silly numbers game unfortunately .

    It sucks right?, I'm curretnly using my sportif as a daily to get to work and get my 1 year NCB! They quoted me around that price with modifications but it was only TPFT!

    Good to see u back in a starlet dude!!

    Thanks man, I never really left! ;) I just dont take the sportif to any meets as its nothing special!

    Clean car! Hopefully youll have more luck with this one. With insurance, i have also had a look for quotes, being 18 with a year and a half of drivibg experience and 1 years NCB i was quoted £1400? So i guess with a years NCB it should make allot of difference!

    Thanks man! I seriously hope so, can't take any more! Thats good news i hope getting 1 years ncb will benefit me !!

    1 year NCB should make a difference to my insurance in Oct/Nov - I had my accident last year (at fault)... and shitty insurance sky high.. and mine will hopefully be coming down a couple of hundred after 1 year NCB, well from the quotes I did a few weeks ago etc! So you may be lucky :)

    Thats good to hear! I didn't know you had an accident! :o I hope it goes in my favour! When can we expect you boosting? Or is the Jeans suiting you for now?

    Insurance is never fun, I'm 22 and I had a small accident 3 years ago, and thought it was great when my renewal didn't go up, it just hasn't came down since! Lol.

    I'll have 3 years ncb next month and have been driving for over 5 years so hoping to get a much better price than I'm currently paying!

    Also I found adding my parents to the policy used to bring it down a bit, worth trying :)

    Glanza looks sweet! Will be keeping an eye on this!

    Thats no good expecially with your no claims and years experience! Hopefully you get a better price! I will try adding my parents!

    Nice looking V Matt. Hope you sort the insurance issue.


    Cheers John! Will be out and about soon i should hope!

  11. http://ep-register.uk/

    I have now finished the base of the site it is now fully functional! Please feel free to give it a shot and let me know what you think! I have still got to add features such as adding your build thread and history of your car along with more images but all in good time! I will also be allowing users to repeatedly update their vehicles hence why you need to register an account!

    The first 4 vehicles are using randomly generated information and images from google just for test purposes until we get some entries then i will delete those first 4!

    Please note VIN is optional and your registration is masked! (If you would prefer the reg unmasked i will add an option for those that do!)



    After stumbling upon this thread whilst searching around i decided from reading the replies in the thread that i would put a mobile friendly site/app together so that us ep users can share information about our cars.

    Original thread: http://www.ukstarletowners.com/topic/86730-how-many-glanza-left-out-there

    Im thinking about allowing users to input their registration (which will be masked and only be used when searched for) and make/model along with some information/history and a picture so users can search for a registration and bring up the information on it I.E. build threads, pictures basically any information you provide on your car!

    Each car will have a dedicated page with the information you provide!

    It may come in usefull when lets say someone goes to purchase an EP they could search the registration and hopefully find out its history or atleast some information!

    It also has other benefits such as keeping track of the number of eps in the UK or atleast however many we get inserted!

    It's desktop and mobile friendly.

  12. Looking good man :D

    Whats the issue with insurance ? age ? be ashame to store until dec/jan :(


    Thanks man! Oh boy the issue where do i begin! The issue i think is having 2 non fault accidents! Which is super annoying as they are non fault! Lost the EP82 GTT through one and the other accident i lost the Celica VVTi through! And also being only 21 with no no claims doesnt help either! I have 2 years named drivers experience but no one seems to accept that! And the other 2 policys i ended up cancelling so never recieved my no claims! However im due 1 years no claims in December from the Sportif daily! So im hoping this will help me out alot! If anybody could shed some light on this?? Does 1 years NCB make a difference!?

  13. After owning countless n/a's and a GT which is no longer! I finally purchased a Glanza!

    It's a 97 totally standard and unabused! It has only covered 105k km's with the cambelt and so forth been replaced!

    Need's registering with it being a fresh import!

    Hopefully will be at JF2 in her however insurance is causing me many many problems!

    She may have to remain stored until December/Jan :cray:

    • 5pcs oem mats
    • JDM flare
    • Climate control
    • Number plate surrounds
    • OEM rear speakers

    Noticed today also the car has a full set of basically brand new öhlins adjustable coilovers!!

    I do have many great plans for the car but unfortunately it may be a while!





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