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Posts posted by leemillin

  1. Today I had my tracking check and was spot on, had bushes and track rod ends checked ( all seem fine ), had wheel bearings checked ( all is good ). But still pulling left or right. Am thinking something to do with brakes sticking on and that's makeing it go all over the place steering

  2. Say am at traffic lights and i pull away, it can violently pull to left or right, but if am doing going the speed limits then sometimes it pulls all over the place and i bet people who are behind me must think am drunk lol... When I ent lol

  3. The pins tapered isn't it ? ( fat top - skinner bottom ) if so it can only go one way :D

    I can't see why you wouldn't be able to use the same pin as long as you don't damage it


    do i knock it out up or down?

  4. alright need abit of help. i need to change my door. you know the door pin, what way do i get it out, knock it up or down? when i have got the pin out can i use the same pin or when its out you need a new one?

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