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Posts posted by Faisal_Sol

  1. Mate, you seen her new song?? ^^

    Just when you think she couldnt be sexier in shewolf!!! :)

    Anyway back on topic, pics of cheryl cole with her rat out or GTFO

    Just seen this video, shes perfect isn't she. Latin women FTW!

  2. Most forums I've come accross take the exact stance with regards to Traders status. Like peope have said, build up that rep dude! Enzo is a great guy, If he can see you have something that we can all benefit from then I'm sure he'll take a look into it. Patience is a virtue!

  3. Thats a shocker mate, hope your well!!

    There are some really awful people in this world. Like Phil said he must have been highly intoxicated or under the influence. How can anyone condone such behaviour, people like this make me think capital punishment should be put back into place.

    Wish you a speedy recovery


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