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Posts posted by AndyMB

  1. I keep getting annoyed with my glanza as I use it everyday for work and I keep thinking about getting something comfier and more 'sensible'.

    This morning I went for a bit more of a spirited drive and fell back in love with it. Won't be selling up any time soon.

    When you feel boost again it'll be worth it :)

  2. I run about 0.8 bar. My car was set to that when I bought it.

    I have:

    HKS actuator

    CT9 - Wastegate may be ported



    Standard ECU

    Never hits fuel cut, runs really smoothly. I don't think the FCD is really doing anything to be honest.

  3. Of course not. If people like the idea then go for it. This is the site I got it from. Bought the black years ago, will be buying the grey soon as I think it would match the boot carpet better.


    For the best finish its best to remove the boot seal around the bottom to overlap the carpet. Remove the plastic catch trim too. Adhesive is strong and the carpet is quite stretchy.

    Hope it helps someone else out :)

  4. Looks mega clean man, that 5zigen border 304 exhaust is awesome isnt it ? Mine used to pop and bang loads.

    Was this at Japfest ? I saw a white V there with that exhaust system.

    Thanks mate, yeah it's pretty clean now, finishing off the engine bay now. Yeah the exhaust pops so much, much better than my HKS one.

    No I didn't go to Japfest, will have to get there next year though when it's all finished :)

  5. Wow, haven't updated this in a long time! Done lots of little bits to this.

    Took the seats out for a big hoover pre Japshow. Can see my new matts in there too...


    This bit on the edge of the boot always looked rough so I decided to trim it in carpet. Had black laying around so did this as a test run. Will now order the grey to match the carpet and do it in one piece.



    Also added a red stripe to the lip of my Enkeis. They should have red anodized lips but mine have been re painted. I just wanted a bit of red as a nod to the original design...




    Then I tucked her away hidden in my Nan's garage whilst I was on holiday. Love this picture...


    Now I'm back I can carry on the work. Plans now are:

    Re paint rocker

    Finish polishing intercooler

    General engine bay tidying

    98 spec front a rear lips

    Can't wait to get it finished!

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