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Posts posted by Jarrod

  1. I agree I spent so long looking through to find wheels where as if someone breaking a car can tag the wheels. also in a big list of parts anyone is selling on the section starlet parts for sale are able to tag things I think it's a very good idea. I also think its not allways ideal that you have to state prices for items for sale as bidding or offers is more practical in this day and age as one thing can sell for above what u priced or under just depends on market that week and how bad a person wants it things would sell faster and save keep bumping stuff and dropping prices

  2. So little update I have new shocks being sent out soon from Cj so can lower the rear safely.and this week my bad luck decided to make and appearance, wake up on my girlfriends 21st birthday with a puncture this was even more irritating then a normal puncture as I was due to take the other half out for dinner,lucky brad came to the rescue with this wheel for me.5F2AB781-5BB1-4B1E-A803-4BCA65A9FAB9-140 so she had a good day but I needed a new tyre today so got mine fitted flew up to jakes and we decided to do this massive thanks to jake for supplying the paint, as a thanks for me lending him my car the last few weeks. Stole the card idea from rob cheers son FE6BD2A0-D3A0-4346-8FB5-98844ACAD12E-140 great idea now then a but of primer 6794956F-0449-4588-9D4C-264DF46AA2AB-140 (ace) get it ;) and then for the satin black F9CEE577-6655-4C7C-A42B-CA883F4017AF-140CAECEC83-92AD-4D9A-85A5-D22E226A2FCB-140 let me no what you think C6C290D2-9900-4F9F-9B94-C14205C2D751-140

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