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once again... a n00b question

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hey again, the engine n00b question.

tomorrow is my birthday, and i already know my nan (silly of her to do) has placed £20 in my card, and with this i am going to do some paint-buying.. :)

so i plan to respray my rocker cover and the dizzy cap... but the question lies, do i need heat resistant on the dizzy?

thank you muchly


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haematite? :S never heard of it :)

but hey, if i have anything left il experiment, the cars not going far for a while but still dont want anything setting alite to itsself.

then again, i would think it would start melting if anything.

thanks anyway dudes

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my mum seems to think its not heat proof... oh well, we will have to have a read of the can before buying

rite bud just get this


it don't mata that its not heat proof

this is myn after a year and a bit !!!


just make shoer you give it a lots of cotes, just a Little bit at a time, i did bout 15 or summit b cool

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to me that looks like its flaking, but im guessing years worth of just below average mileage.

but yeh, il be going everywhere tomorrow to find this stuff

thanks tintin

no no its wear i have chipped it taking the f***er off trust me bud have dun 100 of then, and thy all look good, f*** i have 2 civic ones in the garage being dun the now its the stuff for toy like

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