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My mental girfriend!

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As much as i would love to show you pictures of my girlfriend naked i think i'll pass. :D

Here are a couple without her ski gear on though.




I used to be a slalom skier until i broke my knee! I like to think im a bit of a mad man and go off any jump but sod them!! Good on her mate. U had a go yet? LOL

Ouch that sounds painful! I used to be a nutter on my mountain bike doing cross country an downhill stuff but i got sick of getting hurt. I hardly ever came off but when i did i made sure it was properly, like into a tree or something. The last straw was getting hit full on by a truck. Haven't been on it more than 2 or 3 times since and that was 3 years ago..


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My girlfriend has refused to let me put any of those kind of pictures on as well.

Also, That red jacket you see is allowed to have any sponsor sewn onto it. So if anyone know of or works for etc a company that will be willing to give her sponsor money in retun for advertising then feel free to get in touch with me as every penny helps. Even though she has it pretty much paid for Siobhan has to pay for it herself first and with only a part time job teaching it's pretty hard as the dosh can take a while to come through sometimes.

Thanks for your support people!!!!


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My girlfriend has refused to let me put any of those kind of pictures on as well.

You actually asked her? :D

Seems like you wanted to put the pics up from that sentence :D :D

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Well it was merely a query than asking her. I knew the answer was going to be no. Unless your going out with a pornstar or a nude model then i doubt any girlfriend would let you do it to be honest.

I also got a dig in the arm for asking. Her punches are like no other woman. With all this training she has the power of a baseball bat and thats not me being a weak wimp (which i am). She has given a couple of mates a whack as they didn't believe me. Was comical to say the least.

So any more requests for certain pictures and i get digs. I actually want my engine going in this month so please don't request again. :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd thought id update y'all with some new pictures that my girlfriends manager has sent us from her last trip.









Getting a lift after being injured.


I'll put some more pictures in weeks to come as if her knee is ok she will be going back out again.


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