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Greddy Type S. i bought one :)

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i bought a greddy type s off ebay from japland.

(by the way i dont even have a GT yet haha)

i bought it because i want to make it all shiney, maybe polish it and have it sitting on my desk at home to spur me on to save up for a GT.



Apparently it was off an RX7. Also notice the damage on the black part, theres a chip missing, i hope to smooth it out and paint it.

My question is, how useless is the pipe that the BOV is attatched to? will i have to buy another bracket? :lol:

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you'll need to have a flange welded onto your intercooler pipework to accept it, it'll need some fabrication anyway.

that will be a bolt on kit for an rx7.

they're mottled casting from the factory, it wont 'polish up' as such, if you want it like, mirror shiney, tbh it would make it look a bit...chavvy....if you want bling then get a baileys, they're chrome innit bruv :lol:

no but seriously, it'll either need the 4E-FTE specific flange or some custom fabrication.

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